Signs and Dreams from our Children

Dreams and signs of our children. Do they really exist? Are dreams and signs a technique our deceased children use to contact us to let us know they are fine and indeed do live on?

I believe with my whole heart they do. I am very fortunate and blessed. Because of my Grief Support website, I am privileged to hear about numerous dreams and signs deceased children have shown their parents and grandparents. Although they vary in context, they all have the same theme of our deceased children communicating to us that they still exist and one day we will be with them once more. Just like grief has no timetable neither do signs or dreams.

Open to Signs from Your Children

They can come at any time, and we should always look and be open to the signs our children are trying to convey to us.

I had a very remarkable dream about my deceased daughter that I would like to reveal to you. The dream filled me with hope and a peace that passes all understanding. I feel it was a visitation dream. My daughter needed to get in touch with me.

I was by the seashore. The ocean brings me such tranquility. The dream centered on one of my favorite seashores, Cape May, New Jersey. I was standing right on the shoreline watching the tide draw closer. It was a brilliant luminous day. I looked towards the sky shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand. Then I observed many thousands of balloons of all different colors. The balloons were very distinctive as I watched them descend from the sky. I knew immediately that the balloons contained messages for people living here on earth from deceased love ones.

Receiving the Message

I instantaneously recognized I was there to receive a message from my daughter Keren. I even pulled some balloons from the sky, but knew intuitively that they were messages for other people so I let them go and fly gracefully back into the sky. Thousands of magnificent balloons of all different colors filled the picturesque sky.

Finally, a green balloon (my daughter’s favorite color) floated right down beside me. I was so excited and thrilled because I knew this balloon was from my deceased daughter. On the string of the balloon there was a note. I remember the words so vividly.

They read:

Mom don’t lose heart
I am still with you
I am living in a parallel universe next to yours
One day you will join me here and we will
all be together again
I love you

I then noticed two white handprints on the green balloon, just like children make in grade school, and knew without a doubt they were my daughter’s handprints. And I woke up completely aware that those were really my daughter’s handprints and her message sent to me via dream.

Message of Hope

It was my daughter breaking through the dimensions to give her mom a message of hope and love. I sensed it from the beginning of the dream. When I first cast my eyes to the heavens and received her message of hope and love, I realized she wanted me to comprehend that life does go on when our bodies die, and we will be with our loved ones again for eternity.

Love never ends. Thanks to my wonderful, superb daughter, I now truly believe.

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Louise Lagerman

Louise is a mother to three: two sons, Eric and James, and her daughter Keren, who died in 2006 at the age of 23. Louise has worked in health care for many years in the geriatric field. She lives with her husband Steven outside of Houston, Texas. A year ago, she created and opened up Grief Support website and message board with friend and fellow bereaved mother Gladis Alcorta. Grief support now has over 500 members who share and depend on each other for support. Her favorite quote is by Jason Reeves, In my own way I take you everywhere I go and it feels like Home.

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