Ashley Sturgis

Losing my father was the worst thing that could've ever happened to me and has affected me for the last 15 years of my life. I have never received information regarding the closure of his death and have spent half of my life with many unanswered questions. I may never receive the answers I need nor will I ever fully recover from such a traumatic nightmare. My vision has turned into it happening for a greater purpose. To advocate and educate the community, to support the youth and families affected by loss. The only way to turn something so horrifying into something profound, I have to take this loss in all selflessness. I want to be involved in many different ways throughout the community and among the survivors who have suffered such heartbreaking goodbyes. Support is huge to me and without it, we may never recover. I want to support, listen, and speak up in ways that may help someone that understands.


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