Elisa Medhus
Elisa Medhus, physician and mother of five, has practiced internal medicine in Houston, Texas for over thirty years. She is also the author of three award-winning parenting books: Raising Children Who Think for Themselves, Hearing is Believing: How Words Can Make or Break Our Kids, and Raising Everyday Heroes. After the death of her 20 year-old son, Erik, Dr. Medhus began journaling her grief in her blog, Channeling Erik. She knew that only in helping others could she heal herself. Because of her strong science background, she formerly viewed spiritual matters such as the soul’s survival of death with skepticism, but once Erik began to communicate with family, friends and blog members, her entire paradigm shifted. After devouring various books on the quantum physics explaining the science behind spirituality, Dr. Medhus is no longer a skeptic. Now, she channels Erik through a medium, asking him questions about death, the afterlife and more. As her blog members join her in this journey toward spiritual understanding, Erik continues to offer not only his insight as an insider, but also comic relief with his mischievous pranks. For more, visit www.channelingerik.com.
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