Entering a New Relationship
One of the most charming questions I ever received in one of my second-year spousal-loss classes came from a middle-aged man named Sam. He said, “If I were to invite a woman over to dinner, how many framed pictures of my deceased wife would be too many?”
His question was a good one. Sam, like most people who have lost a mate, had increased the number of framed photos around his house so he could feel his late wife’s presence. I answered his question with one of my own: “If you went into a widow’s home, how many photos of her deceased spouse would it take for you to feel uncomfortable?”
He laughed and said it was time to dismantle the shrine. He went on to say that he was going to invite a woman over to his home for dinner because he missed having a meaningful conversation with the opposite sex. And he was open to entering a new relationship.
Entering a New Relationship Can Promote Self-Esteem
Social connections are key to emotional health. They remind us of our value. Research supports that those of us who are socially connected are healthier, have fewer stress-related problems, and recover from trauma and illness faster.
Yet many widows and widowers are reticent to seek a new partner because the quality of the relationship – long term- is uncertain. Occasionally, a class member is brave enough to express her or her apprehension by saying, “What happens if I remarry and find I’m unhappier than I am living alone?” It’s a good question and a valid concern.
However, I recently sent a questionnaire to 90 widows and widowers I have worked with over the years. Of the 60 percent who responded, more than half are happily remarried or in a committed relationship. Many reported that their current relationship was more loving and rewarding than the one they had with their deceased mate.
Thinking About Dating
You might say that you are not interested in a relationship because you don’t want to be a caregiver again. However, that same relationship can become a positive when you think about another person caring and supporting you.
Let me list a few of my own observations about widows and widowers, and the subject of a new relationship.
- When the building of a relationship is rushed, it often fails, throwing the individual back into a grief cycle. I often draw a round peg in a square hole on the white board to remind people that a round peg can be put into a square hole if you make the round peg small enough. In other words, you can make yourself fit into someone else’s world. But does that sound appealing?
- Many who insist they are not going to date change their minds immediately after meeting someone interesting.
- A few individuals strongly believe it is morally wrong to commit to another relationship. They wrestle with thinking they should remain alone because of their prior commitment. I ask them to review the last line of their traditional wedding vows: till death do us part. Wisely, no restrictions were placed on how to live after they have completed their vows.
No Right Answer
No matter what you want or don’t want, expect people to talk to you about dating. Try to understand and be kind. It is normal for others to think you might be interested in another relationship.
Lastly, what you ultimately decide you want is most likely be the right thing for YOU. Therefore, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you are not interested in committing to a new relationship. Period.
Read more from Vicki: Spousal Loss: What Legacy of Loss Are You Passing on to Others? – Open to Hope
Check out Vicki’s website: Vicki Panagotacos | Grief & Loss Counseling
I go back and forth with the new relationship thing.
I struggle with this issue. My husband of almost 28 years passed away six months ago and when he died, I said “there’s no way I would want another man to put his hands on me and I will not be lucky enough to find two wonderful men in one lifetime so therefore, I will never date.”. I noticed about 5 months after my husband died I was praying and I said “God, if you see fit to bring another man into my life, I would be open to it”. Things and feelings change with time. I have two adult children, my daughter is 26 and does not want to hear anything about me dating and says “just go buy another horse and stay home” and my son who is 24 says “Mom, you are too young to be alone”.. I am 50 by the way and my son understands. I am doing my very best to be sensitive with my children’s hearts at this time but they do have to realize, this is my life and I need to continue moving forward… they know I loved their father, they know I have no regrets with their father and even though yes I am still grieving, I have to move forward and be happy. Life is for the living.
I also struggle with this. My wonderful wife of 38 years passed away 15 months ago. We were high school sweethearts and she has been the only women for me forever. I miss a women’s presence but can’t bring myself to think about dating. I am 60, so maybe it is too late anyway.
I am almost 60, and I lost my husband of almost 36 years to Cancer 31/2 years ago. I struggle with loneliness especially in the evening and bedtime. I miss the companionship, romance, holding hands etc. I wonder if the lonely feelings will ever lessen. I’m very close to my two daughters, their significant others and my grandson, but I miss having interactions with someone close to my age.
Starting over is, indeed, difficult after decades of being with a partner. Yet meeting someone can happen when you least expect it.
Join activities and volunteer for what interests you, and you will have a better chance of meeting someone compatible – or meeting another person who happens to know someone they think you should meet.
A lot of my clients’ grown children post their parent’s profile on Match.com, etc. A thought that might make you shudder. Yet I know of many widows who met someone they came to love – by being online.
Hi my partner died 6 months ago and I know how y feel. I am 51 and need another women x
So a new relationship after wife and soulmate dies? No betrayal? Still love your late wife while moving into new relationship ok? How do you proceed and not feel guilty? My wife died 8 months ago
Eight months is not much time in the general scheme of things. If you are enjoying the woman you have met, why don’t you do just that. Enjoy her!
Regarding a commitment, it would be wise to wait 18-24 months before living together or marrying, and I would weigh in on the 24-month side. Infatuation can feel like compatibility. You both could be wonderful, well-balanced people, but it takes time to know if two wonderful well-balanced people are well-suited for a committed relationship.
Regarding betrayal. It sounds like you are pretty clear on what your late wife meant to you, what she contributed to your life, and what the loss means to you. It is important to have this continuing bond in place before moving forward.
Keep in mind that regret is a painful process, and you something you don’t want to entertain right after losing your soul mate.
My fiance of 4 years passed away suddenly in an ATV accident almost 15 months ago, I am 27 years old and he was 29. I have started seeing a new man for a few months and know to keep things slow but now I am struggling with missing my fiance more (if that is possible) and almost looking for things to push this new man away. I struggle with the questions: why get too invested to be hurt again? What if my fiance is mad? What if it doesn’t work out?
the dead do not get mad with the living…. my wife of 10 years and 2 kids died 4 months ago. i literally felt her blessing me to be free. If he loved you he would want you to be happy. Take things slow but remember you deserve happiness and it is possible to love 2 people (one deceased!) Honour your connection with your dead lover and allow time for this in your life as a top priority . Your new man needs to give you this time as it can only benefit your relationship. Express your grief when it comes and don’t fight your emotions. What you feel is your truth, Be blessed be strong and carry on.
I have really missed my wife after her passing this past January. Her best friend of 33 years has touch my heart over the months since the passing. She lost what was a sister to her and I lost my soulmate. God took her home. I have developed a nice friendship and a relationship that seems to be enjoyable. This friend happens to be insync with my feelings and allows me to talk often about the lose. I am fortunate to have her in my life now. Unfortunately she is 2000 miles away in another state. can this be a good situation and is this the right feelings to have?
If they are your feelings then they are right! Perhaps distance is good at this stage but may become challenging.. Good Luck with you!
I met this guy and shortly after ,his wife passed away . The were their first loves kiss Ect. We really like each other but , he keeps saying he feels guilty and goes back and fourth between I want to date you then let’s just be friends and I want to come see you but I don’t want to hurt my wife . Help ? What do I do ? I really like him and he likes me as well . How do I get him to understand he’s not hurting her ? It’s been a little over a year since she passed and we don’t live in the same state.
I was with this man for 14 years he helped me raised 12 of my grandchildren and we also end up getting engaged to be married we decided on getting married in 2016 and I thought he was just joking because you do that a lot but suddenly December of 2015 he had a heart attack he stayed home then in January 2016 he had a massive heart attack and died I save a loan for a year-and-a-half and my friends just took me out and talk to me and I never wanted to date again I got lonely and I asked him let’s just stay for a little while we end up dating and falling in love and now we are engaged to be married so never close your heart to love again because you never know when the love of your life is there for you
Widows go through a lot
my wife passed 4 years ago this month, and i have thought about a new relationship but i don’t know how to go about it, thinking anything i might say, women now days may think i’m sexually harassing them. but i do find myself interested in a woman half my age and she’s likewise interested. is that wrong to feel that way, i would just like to know..
I’ve just started dating a guy who only lost his wife 8 months ago I actually thought he’d been on his own for 16 months .we get in really well we laugh together it’s really nice . last week he had a couple of bad days and i got a text saying that he wasn’t good and that maybe he’s not ready.he told me he was going to see his counselor and talk about things but before he’d even went I got a call from him asking was I coming up to see him for the weekend of course I said yes we had a great weekendwe do enjoy each other’s company.im just concerned that it’s to Quick for him to be moving on and now it’s like I’m grieving with him because I cry when we have to leave each other because he’s by myself in the house and I really feel for him .. sorry if I’m rambling but I’m falling in love with this guy is appreciate your feedback
I am young, 36, compared to most widows. I lost my husband, father of my 3 kids, 4 months ago. He was only 38. I believed we had a long life together. Heck most of our dreams were still brand new. We fought often, every single day lol. I believe it’s because of his underlying health issue that he never wanted to address. Overweight diabetic alcoholic. I know he loved me and he knew it to. He lived for his kids. We had wonderful compatibility and shared a lot of interest. I hope to one day when all I.S a little calmer to find a man that I can share something of the like with. I know there’s a chance he may never know me like my husband did but I also know that it is a possibility.
I was seeing a widow friend (we are both 75) for about a year by having breakfast, lunches or dinners.
We seemed to hit it off pretty well. And I really thought In had found a great companion to ease the loneliness of our remaining time.
She has been a widow form 12 years and I had been a widower for 2 years.
After a nice dinner, we held hands walking to the restaurant.
I took her home, hugged her and kissed her goodnight. We had kissed goodnight before. Everything seem good.Two days later I called to say hello and see how she was.
Out of the blue, she said I can’t do this relationship, don’t call, don’t come over.
Needless to say I was hurt but terribly confused.
I am hoping someone is able to help me through some thoughts.
I am in a committed relationship to a widow who lost his wife 3 years ago. They were together 34 years. We started dating about 1 1/2 after her passing. I moved into his new home. There is a memorial website for her that I came across. I saw that he posted a comment, “Happy Birthday my love…miss you daily, looking forward to joining you to continue our beautiful love.”
My question(s) is this…
Why do I feel like I am the “other” woman?
Why does he feel he needs to put this Happy Birthday message on a public site, that family and friends see and know we are together? This makes me feel like I don’t matter. But, then I go back to the securities we have in place for each other and then I think I am over thinking it.
We have established a family trust, I am on title to the house, he treats me good, we have good communication and when I ask him if he is happy with our relationship, he says “yes and that he loves me.”
Why does he feel he needs to post this on this website? She can’t see it…but everyone else does.
I am recently widowed and while I occasionally breakdown, I am excited about living the rest of my life (this feeling leaves me with a feeling of some guilt). My wife’s sister who absolutely clings to deceased family values years after they have passed away would certainly disapprove of me getting involved with another woman, she would see it as disrespectful to her sister. I say to myself what you have commented on above ’till death do us part’.
My wife said to me during her illness ‘don’t be alone, your too nice’. I am 47 and have a lust for life and I am certainly going to live it. I think about how I would feel if I met someone. The initial thought is, I will measure the person I meet against my wife.. I am afraid of that happening because I will never meet someone if that feeling resides with me.. Any advice?
So this is a little different but anyways here goes. My girlfriend and I were seniors in high school. We’d grew up together and were best friends before we went into a relationship. I’d just asked her to our senior prom about five hours before she died in an automobile accident and it was three days until our year anniversary. She was my first girlfriend and I was devasted. It’s been almost a year and a half now since that all happened and I’m trying to go into a new relationship with a girl who likes a lot of the same things as I do but the whole time I’ve thought about going into this relationship, all I’ve been able to think about was my girlfriend and I don’t want to hurt this girl or bring any unwanted baggage into this relationship. Any advice would be appreciated.
Oh the struggle is real. Widowed after a 37+ year marriage to my high school sweetheart, I am thinking I am ready to move on but deal with the ‘what-if’s.” Praying for God to just put that special someone for ‘chapter 2″ in my life. After being committed on one person all these years, it is strange to think about all the aspects of dating, kissing, touching another…and at my age. Yet… If I live another 30 years..sure would be nice to have someone to share it with. Checked out ‘Our-time.com” and not so impressed so far. Thanks for a helpful article.
Hi, I am in a “friendationship” with a guy who lost his wife March of 2017. We started off talking on the phone for about 3 months before he got the courage to see me. It was magic for both of us after 40 years. He continued to invite me over take me to the movie’s and so forth. I knew he was very uncomfortable and having a hard time inviting another woman in his home that he shared a life with his wife for 30 years so I didn’t rush him, instead I supported him with genuin friendship. It is now approaching one year and he is still having a hard time coping with his wife’s death, so much that he has literally pushed me away and conversation is limited. He feels comfortable texting me most of the time and I talk to him maybe 2 to 3 times a week on the phone. While all of this is going on my feelings for him has grown tremendously. We recently had a conversation about dating too soon I I told him that I understood how he felt but I also told him that he was not the only one involved here. He got a little upset with me and told me that if I understood how he was feeling then I would not be asking questions but I told him that I was having feelings for him but I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t having any expressive feelings for me but he likes having me around, I kind of feel like I’m being a leaning post and forget my feelings. Please tell me what is happening and tell me if I should back off of him and put my feelings and emotions to the side. I don’t want to push him I thought that I gave him plenty of time to sort out his feelings for me. Please tell me if I’m wrong and I should allow him more time to grieve. I also thought it was selfish of him to want to start a relationship and stop right in the middle of it all to concentrate on his feelings and not consider my feelings….
Miy precious beautiful wife Connie and I were married for 48 years. I met her through her cousin when she was just 14 years old. We dated for 7 years before our marriage. Connie was and still is my whole world. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on March 18, 2017 and lost her fight with this horrible illness on January 22nd 2018. I just can’t let go nor do I want to. Someone has come into my life after losing her husband to the same illness. Though she says she loves me, it could be her loneliness that is affecting her. We live hundreds of miles apart. However she is going to visit me in a few weeks. The thought of being with another woman is having an affect on me believing my wife is still and will always be with me as God intended.
I am 69 as of September 11 2018. My Wife of thirty years Died June 18, 2018. A friend and I have found we had the same feelings towards each other. We are planning to live together for whatever time we both have left and I for one plan on making it to 100! She is vibrant and alive. We like so many of the same things. She is single and now so am I. I look forward to this new chapter. And yes the Vows were kept my me and my wife for thirty years. I found a letter simply addressed to “The one of that is Dead”. My wife was wise. It says that it is unknown at the time of the letter writing which of us is reading this. Then it goes on to say that it the right and good healthy thing for a living breathing Human Being to love and be loved. Be it one day or years when you find that love hold on tight and move on. I am doing exactly what the love of life told me to do. And yes, I now love two wonderful people at the same time. Thank you God for this beautiful life and for sending me two of your Angels to love and they me. Amen
I’ve lost my soul mate 5 years ago. I don’t know how to interact with another man. I was 13 when I met my hubby married at 20 and lost him when I was 44. So how to I even start or where do I start.. I need to interact..
I lost my husband in December 2017, and have a partner that has been a widower since December 2018. They were close friends to my husband for 3 years, they seen me suffer and she always told us to watch after each other when she left us. We speak of them very often and are extremely happy together. Some people have issues with it, but we are happy and love each other. We both know the pain of losing and now know the joy of loving again.
I lost my wife 3 years ago to a long 5 year illness of Kidney Disease , and many hosp. stays and home dialysis even a transplant that only lasted 3 years…she was a nurse and I am one also, frequently we worked together, and shared many moments, but now I never hear from her family my previous in-laws, after my late wife’s mother passed away last year that was the end of any family contact….I’m always asking what did I do wrong ?? I was the care-giver for my wife and never gave it a second thought, I was there when her sister’s own children went and lived their own lives, my wife had 3 major strokes 24 hrs. prior to passing , we made the choice to begin Hospice and she passed 18 hrs. after being admitted.. It was very peaceful, but I still wonder If I did the right thing or just keep putting through more dialysis and rehab. But all she repeated to me that last night was..”I just want to go home,Billy” before I could transport her home the next day she expired in a Hospice House @ 4:13 am . I did get re-married to my college sweet-heart from 40 years ago and we are doing well. Tell me , what did I do wrong ?????
i met a man on a dating site in July 2018 and we have been on and off the entire time. We did not sleep together because I wanted to know him first. Later I learned that he married his highschool sweetheart and they were together 35 years before she died of cancer in 2016. Their sex life was no existant for the last 15 years. He was so attentive at first with dinner and flowers. I really love this man. As time went on, he worked in Pittsburg 2 weeks out of the month and both his daughters live there. I have broken up with him several times because he keeps going backwards. He not is semi retired and lives less than a mile from me at the beach. It is like he can only handle being with me a few days a week. He says he is not ready for a commitment but when he is it will be me. I found out today that he is still on the dating web site and is active. I am confused because he says he is inlove with me but will not commit. I still work and he is semi retired. He has friends that also have condos on the beach and in Orlando. They all hung out together and still do. They were also friends with his wife. My heart breaks for him because she was the love of his life but I just dont know where that leaves me. Help!
I stumbled across your page and while I normally wouldn’t leave a comment, I felt compelled to do so. I’m 41 years old and have two children…one grown daughter and a son who is getting ready to turn 16. I lost my husband, my son’s father, of 15 years almost 16 months ago. It was unexpected and sudden. At first I thought I could never stand the thought of another man. I still wrestle with that daily. However, recently I’ve met someone who is giving me those butterflies like my husband did. I’m not sure if I’m just missing a man’s presence or if I could possibly be feeling real emotions again. It’s a hard rope to walk. My daughter is very supportive and wants me to be happy. I’m noticing my son is a little less happy at the thought of another man in his mom’s life. I would expect him to feel this way. I never expected to be a widow at 40 years old. I loved his father with every fiber of my being and I could never replace him. But something I read on this page has stuck with me….this is my life and I want to be happy again. I long for happiness instead of the dark and heavy heart I’ve carried for the past year and some months. I don’t know if it’s time or not but I’m open to whatever God sees fit in my life. I appreciate everyone who has shared their experiences in these comments. Just know people like me read them and take in any and all advice given. ❤ My condolences to each of you who have lost your soulmate. It’s a crappy club to belong to.
Well, I am part of the club. I would not have called it a club before I lost my husband but I do understand everyone who is writing in this. I lost my husband who I met when he was twenty-one. I was seventeen. He died at sixtyfive. He had a heart attack and I did cpr and he ended up brain dead. Donated his organs and life sucked for well over a year. A friend told me I was ‘not dead so date’. She shoved me into dating with her comment. I did a few dates and it sucked. Crazy weird dates that made me feel nobody was out there. Funny stories, icky dates, lonely people and those who prey on people like us who are vulnerable. I decided on one more date and I met a lovely man. He was a divorcee and had a bitter time. He too was ready to give up and we just somehow clicked at the right time and place. We are so comfortable with each other. He is smart, funny and it is the encore. I am I am so glad my friend told me I was not dead and now I am in a relationship with someone who I will grow old with, smile, laugh, love and live on.
My high school sweet heart at the time passed away at 20 years old (2014) tragically in a car accident. I am now engaged and 27. Since his passing once a year on his anniversary I’ve been resharing a picture of him on my Facebook to remember him. But my fiancé and his parents feel like this is disrespectful to my fiancé that I do this that I should keep it to myself. Is it not okay to remember the death of someone I once loved just because I am marrying someone else? He claims he understands but then asks if this is something I’m going to do forever. I do feel like he can be a little jealous but also don’t think that’s fair to me that I have to hide it.
My wife passed away January 24 2021, I have started seeing her best friend who feels guilty about us but we still see each other. I would like her to move in but she has a problem with moving into her friends house even though she wants to be with me. We do have sex in this house and we talk a lot. we get along very well and are very compatible. how can she be more comfortable moving in to the house. I do not have pictures up etc
My wife died 4 years ago and it hit me like a steam train but recently I have been chatting to a lovely lady on Facebook she knows all about my past and I have been worrying what to say to my late wife’s father who lives nearby that I would like to invite the lady to visit my place one day and feel he will say I am wrong doing so but I am lonely living in my big house in the country and sometimes don’t see anyone for weeks and its been even worse due to Covid I am 59 and the lady is 59….she was married but divorced 23 years ago and has been single ever since. We seem to get on great and can chat for hours and we share loads of interests like wildlife and photography/classic cars Motorcycles. I have been trying to think of a way of telling my father in law about her but how? I was happily married for 23 years when my wife died suddenly but I still think about her every day and always will but being alone is slowly driving me insane.
I have been fortunate enough to not have lost my spouse, however, I am living with a man who has. I love the, “How many photos are too many” topic, above. It’s an appropriate response. However,
What If you find a photo on the top shelf of your now “shared closet” hidden and probably a dozen, at least, on his cell phone? What am I supposed to do with this information. I think his adult children love me more than he does. Is his “hidden” photo on our closet shelf of his deceased wife inappropriate and what about all the photos on his cell phone?
At what point do I let it go and ignore all these damn pictures or do I let him know I KNOW about the phono in our closet and it bothers me. He told me that if she were still alive we wouldn’t be together. I get that, but am I supposed to feel like I am “his backup Plan”? Does this mean he’s not ready for a relationship? It has been 20+ years since her passing. Please help me.
My wife of 7 years was my soul mate. We finished each other’s thoughts and were so in tuned with each other I felt like we were one. I lost her to cancer in late 2017 and I still grieve at times years later. Her last wish for me was to find another because she knew I will not be happy alone but I can’t put myself out there. I am a loner, introvert and a lone wolf, I know my late wife was one of a kind and she completed me and that puts me in a difficult situation. I would hold any new relationship against what I lost and that would be against a very high standard and I think that is unfair to do. I had the best and anything else would not be worth it.
I am currently dating a wonderful man, whom is a widow. His wife’s mother lives with him. I do not feel welcome in his home. He continually says she wants to form a relationship with me and I am okay with a relationship, I am, however extremely uncomfortable at the thought of us living together. Together we have 5 children from our previous marriages. Our children blend well. The mother in law has run the house and I do not know where/if I fit in. I do not like the idea of a home where I am not head female. I think it’s a lot to ask of me. My girlfriends have told me over and over I need to put my foot down, but I do not want to hurt anyone. I’ve come to terms with we will simply live in other homes. While it’s not ideal, it is all we have.
I have a question. My current partner lost his late fiancé a year ago. We have seeing one another and began dating exclusively. For the most part everything is going well. June 15th is the anniversary of her passing and this week is difficult for him. However, since he and I began dating one issue is that he has kept that fact from his family. So, when they call or video chat, he goes to a different room so that they don’t know I’m there. He feels that they won’t understand that he is seeing someone else. This makes me feel rejected. Although I understand and want to give him privacy, I don’t want to feel like I’m a big secret. So, I have told him that I feel it is in my best interest to back off a bit. He is planning to have a memorial on the anniversary of her death with their friends and family members. I don’t feel it is appropriate for me. I feel very out of place. Because he continually pretends I’m not there when certain relatives call because they have expressed concern that he is dating and don’t approve. So, I also feel unwelcome. I’ve tried to express this in a good way but I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or not. I’ve told him that while I understand he and his family is grieving, I feel it is best for me to not be a part of that process because of how the situation is. I feel badly because I would like to be supportive of him, but not at the cost of putting myself in a place where I might feel resentful afterwards. I let him know that I am happy to see him, but not stay at his home or be intimate anymore until he is able to freely be with me without feeling he has to hide his relationship with me from his family and friends as a way of protecting her memory. Am I doing the right thing?
I am 67 and lost my love several months ago sure I work a lot and keep myself very busy but there is that one item missing companionship and that hug or kiss. I am afraid to start dating joined a site then got out of it because it felt wrong. I have older children and i wanted to ask them what they think but I guess that doesn’t seem right either. I am guessing I am going to have to get over my shyness and just see if I can find a friend to talk and maybe be with soon or I will just give up.
The people at my church seem to think you need to wait at least two years to see another person your age. I am 73 my friend is 78. Both our children my 3 and his 3 think it was horrible. Only 10 months after their deaths. All we did was eat supper talk a long while and he went home. All of a sudden our kids got angry that we didnt wait for two or so years. We are old….We sill talk on phone one a week. That is not enough for me. I never get to see him. What is going on. Im distressed and I cry a lot..
My husband passed away suddenly in January of this year and left me to raise our daughter alone. I am in no way ready to date and I dont think I ever will be. If I ever do get to the point of wanting to date again does anyone have any advice on dating while raising a child? I want to always make it clear to my daughter how much her Appa loved her and I but I dont know how I would do that and not cross the line with a new partner. Personally I really dont think I will ever date again but I am only 27….I dont know, all I know for sure is that I miss my husband every single second of every day. I would do anything to have him back even just for 1 day.
My Husband of 32 years passed last February 24th at 53 years old. Devastation doesn’t begin to describe my emotions. We have 4 adult children between 23 and 31. My life had become all about them since my husbands passing. I recently moved to a town I knew nothing about and accepted a new job. I’ve been there 6 months. A month ago I was approached by the sweetest co-worker from another department telling me he wanted me to know that he thought I was absolutely gorgeous. I was so flattered and taken back by the comment as I am 53 now and didn’t think anyone would ever be interested in me and honestly had no desire to meet someone new. Since then we talked a lot and he’s now taken me on seven wonderful dates. We are becoming closer and closer and are spending a lot of time together. There is definitely a connection there and I am enjoying myself for the first time in a long time. I do feel guilty like I am cheating on my Husband, even though I know I’m not. I’m wondering if it just might be to soon for all of this dating stuff?
My wife of 18 years passed in June of cancer. It is now July 9 and I have met someone new. We like each other a lot, we have talked a on the phone and we enjoy talking to one another. She has a French accent so some of her words are a little hard to understand over the phone. I know I can get used to this. I told her I wanted to take care of her and love her and maker her happy again. She had relationship problems in the past with a boyfriend who cheated on her. She told me she wanted to make me happy again and promised me she wouldn’t leave me. I told her everything she should know about me personally (health issues). She is good with everything and is willing to be my new life partner. We discussed getting married and having kids together, (if we can.) We met on the internet, basically the same way I met my late-wife of 18 years. We have talked online quite a bit and grew rather close to each other emotionally. I am interested in following my late-wife’s last wishes for me, and get married again and be happy. I am about to buy her ticket to come to the state I am living. I am really wanting to try and make everything worth with this lady. She is very kind and easy to talk to. She has had her heart broken by me a couple of times over stupid insecurities I had. She helped with that issue and now we worked everything out together. She is working on getting ready to move in with me. We plan on getting married. I know some will frown on our relationship because of 1 we have a slight age difference. She is 40 and I am 54. Not that much a difference really. But one of my sisters had a problem with my relationship with my late-wife due to her being older than me. Just by looking at us, you couldn’t tell. Although my new lady, she looks younger due to my graying hair. I will have to do something about that I guess. But I don’t wish to be alone anymore. I hate being alone. I want someone to love unconditionally and someone who will love me unconditionally. She and I want the same thing in life. We agree on everything we spoke about and now it’s close to time to pick her up from the airport. Part of me is seriously nervous like a schoolboy who just asked the prettiest girl in class to the prom and she said Yes. I know my vows to my late-wife ended the day she passed. I know some will scoff at me. But I only care about how my new lady and I feel. We both are having to start over again. Only difference I am starting over with experience. I think that will help a lot. Any ideas?
Thank you for this excellent and insightful article! Have you published the results of your survey? It has some great data!
My situation is unique in the fact that 2 months after my husband of 45 years died after a long illness, my first love from when I was 18 came back into my life. He had been widowed for about 18 months. We messaged back and forth for another couple months just as friends. We felt that maybe a spark was still there after 50 years and met up in person. We discovered we still do love each other and possibly have a future together. This relationship is long distance as he lives 1000 miles away and we are taking it slow mostly because I don’t feel ready to fully commit. He is fine with me taking all the time I need.
The elephant in the room is that my adult kids are still grieving over their dad and feel like my new love is sliding in to take the place of their dad which is not the case at all. They are worried that I am vunerable and he will take advantage of me and it feels creepy to them. Even though I have assured them that I am in control, I feel guilty now. He is a very nice caring person and would love to meet the kids, but I don’t want them to hate him.
My spouse has been gone since 2019
I dont know what to do
Ive been out a few times but no real
Im lost
My dear wife Helen passed away 2 years ago quite suddenly. It was devastating , we had been married for 16 years but together for 20 with one lad of 15 at the time. i quite by chance met a new lady four months ago and we have struck up a great friend ship with a touch of romance if that makes sense. am still nervous when i am with her , the new lady, as i feel helen may be disappointed but i feel right about my new friendship, any advice please
Having lost my wife through pancreatic cancer 10 months ago and having been married for 40 years,I have met some one who brings happiness to my life.
But my family and friends think I am uncaring.
I’m 78 years old and realise that I haven’t much time left to be happy.
I’m 33 years old and was in a relation with my husband for almost 2 years, I can honestly say that he was my soulmate even though we would fight and get in each other nerves. The love we had for each other was the love I only dreamed about; what many people wish they would cross upon. I lost my husband 2 months ago due to him taking his life, so I can’t accept the idea that our love story is over. I am mad because he was supposed to be here, and he was the one who decided to end it and leave me and my 5-month-old baby girl alone. I hate putting this but it’s the true.
I’m so scared of never finding love again of never finding a man who will take the roll of fatherhood for our daughter. While I am not active on looking for a new relationship, I know I don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life, but I feel guilty as if I’m supposed to continue life only by his side. I am also scared that my daughter will never find a man who loves her how he was supposed to love her.
I guess I just want to know will I and my beautiful daughter ever find true love or will I just get hurt again.
My wife passed away suddenly in her sleep. We first started dating at the age of 16 and were together for nearly 50yrs, 47 of those years we were married. It was only a short time of about 3 months before I realized that I needed another women in my life. This came about because I was laying in bed one morning and realized that I couldn’t go on without her. I could never replace her and I never will but, I came from a family environment straight to a relationship at the age of 16, so I didn’t know what it was like to live without a female to talk to.
I didn’t want a relationship, just a friend to talk to about how I felt and the mundane things of life, as people do. Anyway, 2 years down the road and we are now very much in love with each other. I did feel very guilty about the whole thing but, after many hours of soul searching I discovered that I probably wouldn’t’ be here today if I just left things as they were and tried to battle through. No time is too short. Every person deserves to be happy and sometimes people just don’t understand. I have had lots of support from family and friends and am looking forward to the rest of my life. In saying that, please don’t think it has been a cake walk. It’s had it’s challenges and will probably have them down the track as well.
I married my wife in 1979 and she died a horrible death from Multiple System Atrophy after 10 years of illness and the last 5 years at home with me as her sole caregiver until professional caregivers lived in our home for 2-3 years with additional hospice care till her ultimate death September 2023.
I am 80 and in good health with some sore knees. I garden, ride my bike , handle my finances, maintain my house well.
I loved my wife and have no regrets or guilts. We had 2 sons together and 2 daughters from my previous marriage.
I accepted a date from a part time caregiver shortly after my wife passed . Now 1 year later, we have a wonderful relationship, living apart and enjoying our time together. She had lost her husband 7 years ago from Parkinson’s and was his caregiver.
My family is unhappy about my relationship, thinking it happened too quickly, and worried that this person was a predator after my money ( and their ultimate inheritance).
One son of mine is estranged from me by his decision.
I am enjoying my new companion and have love for her .
Seeking guidance… how can I explain my need for love and companionship to my children while having them understand that it does not detract or diminish from the love I had and have for their biological mother and/or mother-in-law?
Such a thoughtful piece! ?? It’s important to cherish our past while also opening our hearts to new connections. Love can blossom again, bringing joy and companionship. Cheers to new beginnings! ❤️
?? Platonic love can be just as deep as romantic love! From cozy hugs to spontaneous conversations with new friends, these moments of connection and deep affection enrich our lives. Embrace those glimpses of joy and comfort in every relationship. #platoniclove #deepconnection
Listening to our children can be interesting and respectful – to a point.
Listening to ourselves, however, is key to rebuilding a life after loss.
Your children should not be writing your life script. Be careful.
It isn’t unusual for adult children to carefully bully their parents into leading the life that will make their lives easier – literally and emotionally. So often they don’t want to “work” at welcoming another person into the family. And often they often feel their financial legacy will be threatened.
Thanks for this article. I’m an unexpected widow (15mths in) in my mid 50s. I’m extremely close to my in-laws and all their extended family. Today i told my MIL and FIL that I’ve just met someone and it is very early days but I like him. They were happy for me but we were also sad and I told them I was emotionally conflicted but they were very supportive and want to see me happy. I feel they fear that we will lose our closeness if I move on – but honestly, if this new man doesn’t get the tick of approval from my whole in-law family, I will know who to choose. They are my soul support! There’s so much to think about and on top of grief it makes it so much harder than ppl realise.