Light points are those times when something or someone “lights” our path in life.  We often experience these points when we are in a dark place and desperately need to be lifted up.  It is when we realize that there are occurrences that may not be fully understood that are meant solely for our good.  It is when we are reminded that there is a Creator who wishes to let us know that we are very loved and treasured.  It could be those moments when a loved one expresses his or her love exactly how and when we need it most.  It could also be a circumstance that has worked out just perfectly or that surprises and delights us.  Light points have also been called God-winks, miracles, mystical events, etc., but they are experiences that are mysterious and simply cannot be just a coincidence.

Think about it now. Have you ever received a card or phone call seemingly out of the blue that suddenly lifted your spirit? Perhaps you met a stranger that gave you a much needed message. I am thinking of a time recently when I was at a grocery store.  As I shopped, an employee was repeatedly paged over the loud speaker to come to the customer service desk: “Jacqui, please come to customer service.  Jacqui, to customer service.”  Apparently, Jacqui was busy or didn’t hear the announcement, so she was paged again.  Now, Jacqui is my sister’s name, and this made me miss her as she lives in a different state, so my thoughts were of her as I finished shopping and made my way to check out.  I am not sure why, but when the cashier greeted me, I said, “I kept hearing your employee, Jacqui, being paged and because that is my sister’s name; it made me miss her.”

The cashier gave me a sad smile.  “That was my sister’s name, too, only I miss her dearly because she has passed away.”  I expressed my condolences, and the cashier was clearly glad to share her grief with me.  This conversation was a light point in both of our lives.  She was able to express her feelings and memories, and I was able to provide a listening ear.

I want to share one more example of a light point.  Have you ever run low on your finances and received a timely, unexpected gift? One of my best friends and co-workers had a series of losses and unexpected financial troubles.  Her car broke down.  Then, her beloved cat, who she received to give her comfort when her mother died, got very ill and after several expensive trips to the vet, had to be put down.  Grieving and worrying about bills, she and I, along with along with another sweet co-worker, decided to say a little prayer.  We promised each other that nothing would keep us down.  Our friendship would help each other with trials, and we would be faithful that she would be blessed.

The very next day, she rushed in to share with us some incredible news.  In the mail, she received an unexpected check.  It was from an old bank account of her grandfather’s that the family had just discovered.  The amount was split between all of the cousins, and they mailed it to her without telling her to expect it.  It was much more than what she needed to repair her car and pay the vet!  Here is the especially surprising part- her grandfather had passed away in the 1970’s!  A light point can come from someone who passed away decades ago!

So, sometimes the light point is like the flickering light from a little candle.  Other times, it can be like the sun and light up our lives for weeks to come!  The first step is to be in search of and open to these light points.  Sometimes we are too caught up in grief, overwhelmed, or our stress level so high that we are in danger of missing a light point that would serve to help us through a dark time or trial.  In order for us to receive the blessing of the light point, we must recognize it for what it is.  Perhaps it exceeds our understanding, but it is a blessing without a doubt.

The second step is to write down as many details as you can about the light point: what exactly happened, what you were feeling or doing before the light point, and how it helped or changed you.  The reason we should write about our light points is so that when we are having one of our “bad days” or feeling discouraged, we can go back and re-read about our light points.  The light can brighten our day all over again and remind us that we are very loved.  As human beings, we tend to have short-term memory issues and quickly forget all of those times when a light point helped us.

Lastly, we should share with others the light points we experience so that in the hearing of the event, other people can be blessed by it.  It is refreshing to be reminded that light points are real and that we can expect them.  In addition, we can all be on the giving end.  We just need to be on the look- out for opportunities.  One example that I experienced recently is that because my family was relocating out of state, I needed to find a new job.  I had conflicted feelings about this because I loved my current position so much that it was hard to imagine finding another “dream job.”  I expressed my worries to a colleague, and she shared a light point from her past.  Because her husband was in the military and was being stationed back in the U.S. from another country, she was faced with the challenge of finding a new job.  This was a challenge she had endured before because they had moved several times, and each time, she had to find another job.  Her experience had taught her to always have faith that a perfect job was already lined up for her.  She would pray that if it was not the perfect job for her, she would not be offered an interview.

My colleague shared that they flew in one morning, and she had to travel several hours the next day to interview.  The interview proceeded flawlessly, and she knew the job was perfect for her.  The obstacle was that she and her husband needed time to find a house and take care of all that needed to be done being newly back in the country.  She held her breath as she ventured to ask if the position could be held for her, and the employer gave her a light point that she will always remember.  The employer agreed to hold the position for an entire month!

In the sharing of this light point, she encouraged me to have the same faith, to be confident that the perfect job was already prepared for me.   She challenged me to be faithful that if the job was not right for me, my application would be passed over and I would not be extended the opportunity to interview.  I kept her light point in mind as over the next couple of months I applied for numerous positions.  Time passed, and I didn’t hear a word.  Again, I brought to mind her light point.  Eventually, I heard from one sole position.  I had one single interview.  And, I was extended just one job offer from it.  I have been in the position for three months now, and it is truly perfect for me.  In her sharing, I was encouraged.  She saved me from a lot of needless worry and stress, and her predictions and faith for me were realized.

These are just a few examples of light points in my life.  If you take time to really reflect back, I am certain that you can also recall light points in your life.  Be open for more because they will come and shine on your path.  Recognize them, write about them, and then share with others about them.  Your life will be richer for it.


Bunny Bennett

As a social worker, Bunny knows full well that the world is filled with oppression, social problems, sorrow, and loss. Like so many other women, Bunny enjoys turning the world off for a little while by getting lost in an uplifting story. Her writings gratify the female soul's craving for some good old-fashioned romance and messages of hope. Serving in the field of grief and bereavement, Bunny Bennett is amazed by the wisdom and insight children possess. It is her hope that Grow Like A Sunflower will uplift and encourage children as they process their grief and loss. In addition to novels, Bunny also writes songs and is a true music lover. When she is not reading or writing, she travels with her husband's band and is his biggest fan. Bunny is blessed with three daughters and three step-sons and is a school social worker at an elementary school in Greenville, South Carolina.

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