We are writing to invite you to participate in a study about your loss and the experiences you may have had in contacts with a physician following the loss. We are inviting people bereaved from all causes of death.

At this point, we don’t know much about the experience that bereaved individuals have in their contacts with physicians after the loss. It is our hope that your participation in this study will help us to better understand the experiences that people have in contacts with physicians after losing a loved one. We intend to use the results to inform recommendations for physicians as they respond to bereaved individuals following the death.

I hope that you will consider participating in this study. You will be asked questions about yourself, the person you lost, and your experience and perceptions of your contact with physicians after the loss. Participation is entirely up to you. At any point in the survey, you can decide you are no longer interested in participating.

If you are willing to participate, log into https://uky.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6x9iINzfGf9TAEZ?Q_JFE=qdg. Thank you for considering participation in this study.

Julie Cerel, PhD

Licensed Psychologist

Associate Professor

University of Kentucky

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