Mother Loses Son to Addiction
To all of my fellow parents of deceased children — mothers and fathers — I offer greetings. I too have suffered this unthinkable loss and know the grief that accompanies it.
My son, Danny, died on July 1, 2008, from an overdose of alcohol and prescription drugs, a death all too common in this day and age. Shortly after he passed, I read that the incidence of deaths due to overdose has quadrupled in young people between the ages of 18 and 23. Dan was right in there at 22.
Needless to say, this has caused all of us horrific pain. My only solace in any of this is what I know to be true about the spirit world. I would like to share that knowledge with you, but first let me say that there was a time when I did not believe in anything remotely like what I am going to talk about. If I had not experienced all of this first-hand, I would never have believed it, nor would I be telling you about it now. But it did all happen in 1971 when I was in my early 20’s and as a result I became aware of the presence of spirit.
Spiritual Healing
Let me backtrack a little. I had been sick since 1967 with Crohn’s Disease. Blood transfusions administered in 1969 infected me with the Hepatitis C virus. By 1971, I was very sick and in desperate straits. That is the only reason why I decided to look into information that I had been given 2 years earlier but had dismissed as nonsense!
I had been told of Harry Edwards, a British “spiritual healer” who could actually heal people. I had never heard of such things before, and it sounded preposterous to me. This man was in England, I was in the United States, and all I was asked to do was write him a letter. The doctors had told my parents that my illness was very progressed and that if a cure was not discovered, I would not live another 10 years. That scared me!
My letter was hand-delivered to Mr. Edwards by my father and within 2 days, I began to experience energy and positive feelings as I hadn’t known in years. That was the beginning of a healing experience, (you can read more about it at: that turned my health around; my entire life took on a new direction.
Student of Spiritualism
I was fascinated with everything to do with healing, and I wanted to understand how it was possible for energy that originated in England to reach me in New Jersey. I became a student of spiritualism across the board. The first books I read were written by Harry Edwards himself, who was the first person to introduce me to the idea of a spirit realm that existed and actually interacted with our own world.
Years of study ensued during which I was introduced to the work of many great mediums who also demonstrated to me the presence of a spirit realm and the continuation of personality after death. I was fortunate to become a regular member of Jane Robert’s ESP classes in which an entity named Seth came through Jane and spoke to us about the eternal validity of the soul.
Connecting with Son
Having been healed by spirits, I was naturally grateful and drawn to doing this kind of healing work myself. After Mr. Edwards crossed over in 1976, he came through medium Glenn Dove to reassure me that he was still close by and would continue to do his healing work. As a result of that, I have stayed with my healing, teaching and writing.
Little did I know that one day I would live to bury a son at 22 and that this work would become my greatest solace, for I know with certainty what many parents do not know: that Danny has survived death, that he is nearby, that he still loves us as we do him and that we will see him again one day.
Until that day comes, I will pursue “connecting up” with Danny through any means that are open to me. I will be writing articles to share much of that with you, as I am currently working on a book so that I can share all of this with a wider audience.
Visit Sheri’s website:
Read more from Sheri on Open to Hope: Loss, Bereavement and Robin Williams – Open to Hope
Tags: grief, hope
Prayers are indeed very powerful and are part of a healing process which gives one comfort.
I admire your courage and your faith in prayers
Thank you so much for your kind words Sanjay.
You don’t need to have a deceased child to join the Prayer Team, just a heart. Please read about the Prayer Registry for children on the Other Side at my website:
Hi, my name is heather, i lost my son darryl 3 and a half years ago in the worst way any parent could lose there child. Please write back to me and i would love to talk to you, is there any way that you can help me contact my son as i am desperate to communicate with him,
many thanks,
I’m so sorry Heather. I’m only seeing this now and it’s 7 years later. IF you want to contact me you can reach me at
Hi Sheri,
I also lost my first grandchild, a boy named Tyler. Ty was born with a physical handicap that prevented him to breathe. He lived a month and a half while the doctors tried to correct the problem. Our family lost all faith after that. Our son and his wife had to disconnect Ty from the from the machine that kept him alive. I felt so badly for them. They tried twice after that to have another child and both were miscarriages. They can not have any children. I have lost my only grandchild and I was unable to protect my son from the pain of the loss. He still cries about his son and the fact that he will never be able to be a father. It has been several years now, but the pain is still fresh both for him and for me. I don’t know what to do or how tohelp.
I’m so sorry Patricia, I only saw this comment now. I understand that pain that you and your children have been through with child loss and it is very sad. I will also tell you that all three of my children were adopted at birth and I could not love them more had I given birth to them myself!
There is more than one way to become a father and your son does not have to forfeit being a father because he had difficulty having a genetic child. Children come to their parents through all kinds of means. The means doesn’t matter.
That’s what I believe and I am so grateful for the lives of my beautiful children who are young adults, except for my Danny who passed at 22 years of age. Please keep in mind that there are many children coming into the world that need good parents to love them. You can turn this around by opening your minds to adoption. If you want to discuss this more, you can reach me through my email:
I would really like to know if anyone out there has had the same experience as I did. I am a Christian and did not believe this 40 day-visitation of the soul until my mum passed away in December last year. The first week or during the 9 days after her passing, there were signs that she came to visit me by unmistakable smells and fragrance. The first one was the unmistakable smell of my mother with her skin moisturizer; the second one was the same smell plus fragrance of a flower which I did not really know what kind of flower it was. The third time which lasted the longest, about 6 to 8 seconds was totally the fragrance of the flower which was a strong fragrance. The next day I went to my friend’s house and his friend who was staying with him got to know about this and went to my friend’s garden and brought back some flowers which is JASMINE and it was exactly 100% the fragrance I experienced the night before. After that, I am a total believer in this 40 day-visitation. My church actually forbids us to believe in all this and told us that the soul sleeps after death until resurrection day but now I Know this is not true – the soul does visit their loved-ones and give signs to try to comfort them. I am comforted by the signs but I am still in great agony because the loss is real in a physical sense where I could not see her physically anymore and I do not have the chance anymore to care for her, cook for her, wash her laundry, buy her favourite foods, etc.. And now that she is gone, I only realized that it was a privilege and enjoyment to serve her while she was alive because we enjoyed talking to each other very much and she was always there for me no matter what! And I will always remember that My Mother is the only person in the world that truly loves me unconditionally.
Brandon, my 29 year old son, passed away from an overdose of prescription drugs, alcohol and heroin only 4 weeks ago (October 5, 2014). Please pray with me that he is okay and with us.
Dear Sheri,
Just a few days ago I registered for your prayer site through a FB link. Today I was googling “how to communicate with your dead child” and stumbled upon this site. Wow! We lost our sons just about one month apart, same year. I am so sorry for your loss. While my son Jeff has sent me a number of special signs that have lifted my soul, I would give anything to be able to actually communicate with him. There are so many questions surrounding the accident that led to his death.
Anyway, bless you for your website and all that you do. Thank you from one more grieving mother.
My son passed away in October, 10 months ago, from a heroine overdose. I don’t know if it was accidental or intentional because he had been out of rehab for 1 month. Please ask for prayers to be sent his way to lift his spirit.
Thank you
You can register your son for prayer with The Prayer Registry by sending his full name as you would like it to be printed on The Prayer Registry calendar along with his passing date, (including the year) to me at: (Note the 2 r’s right in a row in the email address). I will then get back to you to let you know all about how to find his name and how we work as a prayer group. This is a free service.
Please help me too. I lost my firstborn at age 18 just 5 days ago 🙁
I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Contact me if you wish at
I lost my son Jaaon he just turned 28 I am not sure what day he past he was living in a boarding house and had not heard from him in days and when we found him he looked like he was gone a few days but the called the time of death February 28 I miss him so much and wish he would come to me in my dreams I believe he over dossed on prescription drugs we still haven’t got the toxicology report back since it has only been 5 weeks
Hi Sheri,
I lot my son on June 3, 2014 at Camel Back Mountain, Arizona. He went on a hike and never made it. He was found 2/3 days later. He was 23+ at that time and would have turned 24 August 6, 2014. I want my son back. I hate God so much for what he did by taking my son away. I stop going to Church and may end up going occassionaly. I want to communicate with my son and have so many questions. I keep myself very busy at work and everyday I pray for his soul. I really really want him back.
My son died from and overdose 8/9/17.My firat bron son was 23 when he passed. He would have celebrated his 24th Birthday 10/12/16. I overdosed on herion. I miss him more than life itsel.its been a year now sonce his passing it seems like yesterday it happened. The pain is horri blle
Hi Sheri,
My son Jason Gutierrez 16 yrs old was going to school and was working to support his little family he passed on January 25, 2017 in October. He tried committing suicide for the first time on November 2 he tried for the 2nd time from the hospital he was. Sent for an evaluation from the hospital he was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder mixed with anxiety and depression and had started using opids to ” feel happy ” and finally on January 25 he succeeded in approx 2 weeks will be his first anniversary he left me his baby who was just 1 at the time its been real hard for me because no one wants to see me sad or crying especially the baby I really need to get some sort of closer for my self in order to be able to go on it seems like instead of getting easier with time its getting worse I would love to pray on his anniversary and if possible reach out to him
Thank you for your time and God bless
My son daniel died Feb 18 2018 there days after his 30th birthday . I’m still waiting for him to walk in the door, to hear his voice, to feel him hug me.
I just lost my oldest son, the pain is unimaginable. The longing to hear his voice see his face is so overwhelming sometimes that I can’t breathe. I believe in God his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I just need to hear his voice and know he is near me. To say I am devastated and his siblings father is devistated is such an understatement. We can’t funcrion. I know this is very selfish of us all. I’m just so dead inside that I can’t do anything but revert to the basics. He was so much to all of us. Lost time is a terrible thing. It seems like I have been missing him for years and now I have nothing left to live for. Is there any relief and how do you know your speaking to your loved ones soul and not a demon pretending to be your loved one? Is this sacrilegious? I trust in God our father for my sons death for it was God that gave him life. When does it get any better?
Our son Brandon died of a heroin/fentynol overdose Jan 24 2016. The pain has been over whelming but there are questions. I need to speak with him, we need to know he’s ok and that he’s at peace. We need to know what he was thinking. We have his phone but cannot open it as it’s password protected. Can you help?
I lost my son on 01/31/2018 and would like to contact him I just mis him so much I am lost with out him plz contact me plz and god bless you all
My name is Brandi Hultgren and I lost my beautiful 22 yr old son to suicide 13 months ago. Jordan was not only my son, he was my best friend and my sunshine throughout my darkest days! His love for life, nature, family, friends, and strangers was so deep and pure, he left behind a long trail of sorrow and tears. He was a protector, hard worker, loyal friend and boyfriend, natural athlete, highly intelligent, extremely wity, captivatingly handsome, and is the kindest purest soul Ive ever known. But aomething happened shortly after he came to live with his siblings and I after his girlfriend of 10 years broke up with him. His heart was broke and he began giving up. I knew there was something dark in my apartment, often times leaving scratches on me, the presence was so intense and scary but I had no place to take my family. I feel very strongly that my sweet boy was attacked by a dark spirit. He started out feeling like he was being watched. Then eventually began hearing voices. Toward the end a voice that was unlike anything ive heard would come through him. I tried finding someone to help us but everytime I had someone ready to come the night before they would have horrifying dreams and say they could not get involved. I have to know my baby is ok, I suffer everyday with the knowledge and guilt that I let him down and was unable to help him. For each and EVERY pare
ent going through the loss of a child I am so sorry and my heart goes out to you! Thank you for this sight and story, it gives me hope that someday I may be able to have contact with my angel.
So if this is real then here I go, I lost my brother at 13 one month before my birthday he was 28 his name was George Thomas Beckham and overdosed on herion and allt of other drugs.. September 16, was really hard to take in but I did and still am.. at 12:43 I don’t usually just want to pick up the phone and call him but this one night I did.. but didn’t. In the morning I wake up to my brothers dead. And imeditally regret everything. I wish there was a way we could just talk.. but i know I have to be patient till heaven.. right now I’m 14 so this wasn’t long ago.. but this is all the hope me and my mom have. She’s going through so much. And you know what it’s like.. so please do what you do best and make things right for us?.. thank you so much, your son must be really proud of you and you have to know that.
My son Jordan-Patrick died in his sleep on an overdose of alcohol and prescription drugs on October 31, 2018. He was taking a break from college, at home, in our house, in the same bedroom he grew up in. Home, you know, where it’s safe and we could protect him. He died in the middle of the night 25 feet from the bedroom where I lay asleep. We had no idea of the demons he was fighting. He was a wonderful young man; intelligent, handsome, strong, willful, talented beyond belief & loving. If he had any idea how this has affected his family and everyone who loved him, I know he never would have done something so reckless and yet, he did. I would not wish this pain on my worst enemy. I want him back so badly everyday it hurts. I’ll take anything, anything, and I’ll do anything but please do not let this be a cruel shame. Please. We’ve endured too much pain as it is. I’ll pray, I’ll commit. I will not send money, as then I know it’s not legit but I’ll do almost anything else. peace.
Hi, I lost my son Seth 2 years ago the same way. He accidentally overdosed. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish I could see him or talk to him one more time everyday and I guess I will for the rest of my life. My heart is forever broken. Though your story has helped me this night.
Hi, I lost my son Seth 2 years ago the same way. He accidentally overdosed. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish I could see him or talk to him one more time everyday and I guess I will for the rest of my life. My heart is forever broken. Though your story has helped me this night. I will keep you in my prayers!
My son died on the 17 JULY 1918 a prayer will be nice his name is simon shaw who had a comic shop in haifax
While googling I came across your site. I lost my son June 1, 2017 and he was 22yrs old. We still don’t know the circumstance behind the shooting but I do know he did not accidentally shoot himself. My cousin and his girlfriend was the only ones there with my son. My cousins girlfriend claims she stepped out for a moment and learned that my son was playing with a gun. Which he would not have done. He took lessons had a permit to carry and was,taught by my brother that it was not a toy. My cousin and his girlfriends stories changed so much and they moved about 2 weeks after his death out of town. I just want t to know if my son is ok and does he know how much I love and miss him. My life has changed for the worst I do mot want to live and my depression and anxiety has got really bad. I will send the calendar info. Thank you
My son Andrew committed suicide January 12, 2020. He suffered from clinical depression and anxiety. I need to find out if he is at peace. I am devastated, we were very close.
My 29 yr old son died 2 yrs ago i cant feel him or anything
Hello, My 41 yr old son died 8 days ago. He was very aware of the spirit world as is my whole family. Do you have any advice on how to “contact” him or how we can tell if he is contacting us?
Thank You
I lost my son Jess July 25 2020. He was shot and didn’t make it. ?????
I just lost my son on January 23, 2021. His name is Sean Jacob Smitherman goes by Jake. He was a loving soul always kind to everyone! He cared more about others and himself! I lost him to a tragic accident and I miss him more than words can express. I’m at a loss knowing that I haven’t heard from him or gotten a sign that he’s OK. I can’t rest at ease until I know He is at peace and happy. I need a sign, I need to know he’s still here around me. I can’t imagine what life’s gonna be like without him. And I’m hoping that he comes to me soon! Please keep us in your prayers and if you can let him know his mama loves him with all of her heart and And I pray that he comes and sees me!
I lost my son May 8, 2020 from an accidental overdose. Since he died, he has gifted his father, girlfriend, sister, and me with jaw-dropping signs that he’s still around us. Everything from music to electronics, to nature and animal signs. I’ve had one visitation dream so far. I thank him every day for his thoughtfulness. Without these signs I dont know if I could make it. My 6 year old grandson, who adored his uncle, brought our land line to me the other day and said: Grandma, can I call Uncle Kyle? My heart broke, but in fact, they’re working on it through a project called Soul Phone – at the University of Arizona and other places. I kid you not. I hope one day in the next few years we’ll actually be able to do this! You can google Soul Phone and Dr. Gary Schwartz. My heart goes out to all.
I know too. My son had a strong spirit. He died march 1, 2008. Death is not the end. He was 20. I never went to a medium. He was killed in car wreck with best friend.
Thanks for sharing,
Laura walden
My son spencer Jordan McPherson died recently please say prayer I am so distraught. He died of heroin overdose n his dad n grandpa died couple months before him I am really interested in communication with my son. Thank you for the information and hope.
Hi my oldest son Herbert Denzel Washington passaway March 10,2022 from heart disease he was only 28 years old his birthday was September 8, 1993. Since he die he reach out to me and spoke to me once and said mom I’m okay my question is could anyone help me reach out to him
Sincerely with Love to everyone ?
Shirley Robinson
My son died he had just turned 55. I can’t stop crying I love him so much. If I could just talk to him and have him answer me it would mean the world to me.
Hi sheri my son died 9 months ago due to accidental death from carbon monoxide poisoning losing my son is the most excruciating pain and my heart and soul are just totally broken he was 34. Since aarons death I’ve seen spirits Angel’s and my house is,absolutely filled with orbs. I pray every day for him to come to me so I can see him or to come into my dreams. He doesn’t come. Can you help?
Both of my children are deceased, my daughter 10 yrs ago at age 21 in car accident and my son just rescent Dec 5th 2024 age 33 in car accident but I believe he had a seizure which caused the accident. I have so many questions and I’m just lost in this world, please help me connect with them. I need this desperately!