The Shock of a Sudden Death
Grief counseling was invaluable to me after I lost my husband, Sid. He was only 56 and died very suddenly.
There were so many feelings during the grief process that seemed to come out of nowhere. Of course it didn’t make my loss less painful, but just having my feelings validated seemed to help a tiny bit.
In our group session one night, our counselor explained the difference between a sudden loss and an anticipated loss. In an anticipated loss, it is as if you are standing on a beach and you see a huge wave coming right at you. But your feet are hopelessly stuck and you cannot escape the wave. You stand there frozen—terrified as the enormous wave crashes towards you. It hits you and tumbles you over and over like rag doll. You find yourself on that beach, bruised, battered and totally disoriented.
The difference between that and a sudden loss is that your back is to the ocean.
A Second Wave
I thought that was a great way to explain it. No matter how the death occurs, it is devastating. You still feel awful—but with a sudden death, you just didn’t see it coming.
Because you are in such shock followed a sudden death, the grief is often delayed. My counselor explained that to me, but I guess I didn’t realize how much worse I would feel months after Sid’s death.
About six months after he died, I felt I was doing okay. Not great—but okay. I had lots of supportive family and friends and I was making my way through the maze of paperwork that is overwhelming after a death.
As I entered my seventh month of grieving, I hit rock bottom. I thought that is what I hit the day Sid died, but I was wrong. It was hard to believe, but I was more depressed than ever and felt completely hopeless.
Back to Normal?
My grief counselor reassured me that for some people—particularly a person whose back was to the ocean, so to speak—feeling worse many months later is perfectly normal. Again, that news did not make me feel a whole lot better but it did help me see that I wasn’t crazy. And that in itself was helpful.
When you think about it, it makes sense. Most of us are surrounded by friends and family right after our loss. People are bending over backwards to help us and be there for us emotionally. But as time goes on, people get back to their own lives. That is normal. But for those of us in the throes of very personal grief, getting back to normal seems impossible. So no wonder we sink into that deep dark tunnel of despair when we are no longer surrounded by all that love and attention.
When the Shock Wears Off
I think that is what happened to me. I was totally alone for the first time since Sid died, and the shock of his death was wearing off. Coupled with that, I had too much time to think. And that is when reality set in. He is really gone.
I felt worse than I did right after he died. The delayed grief my counselor had warned me about hit me with a vengeance. Just about the time people expected me to be coming to grips with Sid’s death, I was having more trouble dealing with it.
How could this happen? Aren’t you supposed to feel worse right after someone dies? Thank goodness those questions were answered by my counselor. It does happen and it isn’t unusual to feel worse a long time after your loss. Although not quite the same, grief from a sudden death can often return like post traumatic stress.
Unfortunately, I just had to face my grief head on. But months after a death, that seems particularly hard to do. It is almost like you are reliving that awful day you lost your loved one again. And it doesn’t help that people’s expectations are different seven months after a death than they were seven hours after a loss.
All I could do was continue my counseling and work through the grief the best way I could. Life eventually did get better but it was hard to handle the delayed grief.
We are all different in how we cope, but I can only hope that some of my experiences, like dealing with delayed grief, can help someone else see the twists and turns on this dark journey. But I also want others to know there is always light at the end of this journey we call grief.
Read more by Melinda: Why Do People Say Hurtful Things? – Open to Hope
Thank you for sharing your story. The analogy your grief counselor shared about the difference between anticipated loss and sudden loss was extremely well put. It definitely put things into perspective. I think your grief can come back and hit you really hard months later no matter if it is an anticipated death or a sudden death, but in varying degrees. I completely agree that a sudden loss of a loved one would hit much hard when all of your supporters have continued on with their lives and left you with your thoughts. The best anyone can do is take one day, hour, or minute at a time and keep on struggling through the grief.
My husband of 32 years passed away suddenly from a massive heart attack almost a year and a half ago. I am still not over his death & may never be. Life without him is so lonely. I dont you ever get over the lost of you mate that you loved so much. I miss everything about our relationship. Even though he had heart problems with several heart attacks I still was not prepared for his death. And, I dont think I will ever be the same again.
Just Heart broken forever
I feel the same way at times. tomorrow is week 5 for me. I didnt realize until this moment why I was so upset last thursday and couldnt function. it was the day he died one month before. I woke up crying that day and cried for most of the day at work, went home and cried some more. I went through the same panic I did the day the nurse called me and told me I had to go home he wasn’t going to last much longer. I kept shaking and couldn’t stop, my heart was racing, and felt like I was losing him all over again. Everyday is a challange and I feel like I am obsessed with his death, I am here at work on my break and thinking about it, I think about him being gone every min of the day. I know that someday I will feel better about it but now all I see is that my husband is gone and I am alone once again.
I lost my husband 8-15-15. He was 55. He had serosis of the liver. It had gotten a lot worsr over the last 6 months. He had to go to hospice on Tuesday and died the flowing Saturday. The whole time he was there I kept thinking he will pull through this time as he had always done. He would get in really bad shape in a few days he would get well enough to come home that happened about 3 times. This time he did not. I was in the room when he died. It still feels like a dream. I wish it were, I miss him so much. I feel like I am n a daze.
I feel the same I lost my husband 3 months ago until now still can’t believe that he’s gone he died on organ failure I start cleaning his closet just can’t do it still missing him so much we have to kids and 5 grandchildren i live alone the worst feeling is at night we usually watch tv together.. I don’t know how to move on we are married 30 years..
I lost my wife seven months ago going on eight to a vehicle accident she just went to run an errand 5 minutes from the house. She had just retired early and I took a new role at work to be home more and to start enjoying life. Three months later we lost her mother to cancer I was so worried about everyone else I never slowed down to grieve. Now I find myself hurting more and in a darker place from time to time than I did months ago. I go out with friends but feel guilty that I should have done more with her and for her that she should be going out with me right now. I believe you never get over the lose of some you loved deeply you just learn to deal with it and put on your best happy face. I have praised her, confided in her and cursed her all in the same sentence. You take it one day, one hour one minute at a time because there is no rush to let go.
i feel worse now than i did when it happened i thought it was bad when it first happened but its worse now. i miss him so much it digs my heart out day by day. he was killed on our property in a roll over off our hill. i wasn’t able to hug him or tell him how much i loved him i wasn’t able to even get close to him do to the police and ems, i know they were concerned about the about MARK and should be , but i begged to see my best friend, husband, Mark was everything to me. and i feel like i let him down by not being there. but the police said the car was unstable i understand that but i just wanted to hold him and give him my love and say some prayers the last person i know he saw was our wonderful Don. i am very thankful don was there for my MARK but was glad he saw someone he knew. i am not jealous just very hurt that i couldn’t be there for him. we were together 20 years and i never wanted anyone or needed anyone but my MARK and my CHILDREN AND THE LORD. i was happy being his wife and best friend. but i feel so lost without him. why are these feelings so strong now ? any help i would be open to .
Grade A stuff. I’m unbuestionaqly in your debt.
Oh my. I am so glad you wrote this. It is over three months since my husband died during surgery. I didn’t think he’d die. The doctors assured us things would work out and so I didn’t go to see him off into surgery because the weather was terrible, zero degrees, and it was so early in the morning. I told him I would be there when he came out. Well it turned out he died without me ever getting to say goodby. I wish now I would have been there when he was wheeled in. We were together 31 years and had a lot of trials throughout our marriage, but I could always count on him to be there. Now, he’s gone and feel I wasn’t there for him in the end. I am having a really hard time living with that. I don’t think about that as much as I have this anxious, panicky feeling that won’t go away. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I cry a lot. I know this is grief and I have to go through it. But how long? No one knows for sure.
My wife passed away suddenly 4 weeks ago from prescription overdose. I miss and think of her almost all day every day, I dont fall asleep until 3 or 4 in the morning and only sleep till 8 am. I find myself walking around the house all day long in and out, moving things around trying to pick up the house. I am scared to hear that things may get worst for me in the months to come. After I cry for a while or try to do some work or tend to her garden I come back in and feel like maybe I will make it through this, but then I read of others experience months later and how they are hit with all those feeling and then some.
We were together for nearly 23 years, she passed away 1 week before our anniversary. Did i mention when she od and I was not sure, I could have called 911 sooner than I did and she would be here today most likely, this thought crosses my mind often throughout the day, especially when I go to the kitchen where she finally collapsed. Sometimes as I drive to the store to buy food, I think of what if I just went off the road.
death no longer seems to be such a stranger to me now, in fact since i am in my 50’s already, I even think sometimes come get me, I am not afraid of you anymore, in fact I don’t think I care. Its ok. but i have 2 younger kids and they still need at least 1 parent and so for now i feel i need to be there for them.
I have been reading so many posts and websites over the past 2 weeks, and read so many people who have died, i was never so aware of so much death. Im afraid of other things too, like a life alone, I miss snuggling with her at night, lying by her side, talking with her about the day, the kids, what we are going to do about this or that, all i have now is to look at any empty space on the other side of my bed.
It is now May 2017 and I was reading your post… My husband was killed 7 weeks ago in a ATV accident… Please tell me the pain gets better… I don’t know if I can stand this feeling of devastation for months… years… My kids are grown so I’m all alone with my dog… If you happen to find my post please let me know how you are doing now…
We are in almost the same situation. Mine has been gone for 8 weeks today. He was T boned and it was an instant passing, everyone assures me.
The last 8 weeks have been hell and I can even imagine doing this emotional drainage for years to come.
I miss him horribly and I feel lost, as the initial wave of concerned folks have moved on to their lives, for the most part.
Amy/Kim/Stewart, I am also curious how you all have been dealing with the loss. My wife died on July 17th. She was only 31 years old and we had only been married for 2 years (together for 8 total) and have a 2 year old daughter. I’ve been trying to keep it together for my daughter but I find my pain in this loss increasing as time goes on instead of diminishing. I am going to probably seek out a counselor, but it would be helpful to know others are able to deal with it.
I can totally relate to all of you. My husband of 36 years was hit by a truck while he was on side of the road standing. He died on January 12, 2017. If I didn’t have my faith in Jesus I don’t know what I would do. Also, great support from family and friends. Time does heal; but healing is slow for sure. I will pray for all of you.
My husband of 18 years past away very suddenly at the age of 46y.o exactly 13 weeks ago.I send all my sympathies to all who is going through the pain that i am enduring.I have 2 teenage sons who needs their Mum very much and that is what keeps me getting up in the morning and face each day. Would’nt it be so much simpler to crawl away into a black hole and hide and never have to come out??The emotional,mental and physical pain is so intense you wonder how you make through the day and you can’t see past all the tears.But you realize that life does go on,and the bills keep coming in and you are just another person another number when you try to explain to someone over the phone why your bills are late this month.I sincerely beleive that we will all be ok with time and i’m going to be optimistic about life but i’m not too sure of how i find happiness.I turn to my religious belief for prayers and comfort,and i urge anyone out there if you have a faith try praying.I didn’t think i am the praying kind of person but when something so devastating ,sudden and meaningless happened to you one normal evening just like thousands of any other evenings you share with each other there is nothing on this earth to explain or ease the pain,not even your children ,parents ,sibblings or friends can help you.It’s a long dark journey that we have to face alone ahead but we are resilient creatures and we have responsibilities so to every one out there who has ever lost and loved my heart goes out to you all and know that one day we will all feel lighter.
It is literally 6 months since my husband Martyn passed away from cancer. We only found out about the cancer in November 2012 and were told with chemo he could live another 12 months but sadly before he could start the procedure the cancer spread to his bones, he went into hospital the week before Christmas for an emergency operation and the day after New Years day 2013 was taken to a local hospice where he died on 17th January. I thought then the pain was unbearable but now six months later it has hit me like a sledgehammer that he is gone and will never be coming back. He would have been 65 on 30th July and last year we had already booked a special holiday for September 2013 to celebrate this special occasion. We had no idea of the news that was coming in November. I actually googled today ‘why 6 months after my husband died is the pain getting worse’ and this site was first on the search list. I’m so glad I found it. It helps a little to find out what I’m feeling is normal, I thought I was going crazy.
I am going to Keswick in the Lake District for his 65th, it is a place we loved and where I scattered his ashes back in April. I’m going to lay a bunch of his favourite flowers under the tree where his ashes were scattered and then go on one of our favourite walks. I’m also going to do a Hawk Walk at a local wildlife centre, Martyn loved owls, falcons, eagles etc and for his birthday I was going to buy him an adventure day flying falcons, I will do the Hawk Walk instead in his honour and as I fly the birds I will think of his spirit flying free over the Lakes we love. x
I am glad I found this site and it is current. My husband and I retired and moved to Mexico to a place we vacationed for 20+ years and have been here 4 years. He passed away Aug. 28th. I can relate to so many of the things written and am scared of how long this process will take and if I will ever “find myself” without being a part of “us”. I miss him terribly. He was my best friend and my rock. I had been independent when I met him and became very dependent on him through our friendship and love. Now I am lost.
My husband died a week ago after a long illness. He beat the odds and lived longer than expected. I could tell he was getting weaker the last month, but it had happened before and he always rallied. This time it was not to be, they told me he could not come home to die due to the oxygen level he was on. Machines were pumping his heart and keeping his blood pressure and pulse up. It was time to pull the plug they said. The only recourse was a ventilator and once in, he would never get off. He did not want that. When they turned off the machines, he died in my arms in only 15 minutes. His heart was gone. I spent the last 3 years taking 24 hr care of him on a home IV. Sometimes he felt good enough to walk to the car and walk through the store using the cart as a walker or the electric cart. I served all his meals at home, watching the sodium, etc., bathing him, watching TV, renting him DVD’s. he was happy home with me and his cat. Now I am lost and not sure what to do. Sometimes I’m fine, then break down at the smallest thing. Life seems unreal and I am not sure what I am supposed to do
I really relate to what you are sharing and thank you for doing this as it validates and explains to me what I was going through. My husband died over two years ago of cancer. As it was discovered in the very last stages, he barely lasted for eight months and was gone. He was quite active till two months before his death. And so it was sudden in many ways. And for me too, I sank into a depression around six months after he died. I had to take mild medication for nearly one year after that. So I would say it took me one and a half years to get over his death even though I was utterly functional all throughout.
But I am facing something strange now that I wonder if any one of you have ever experienced. It is now two years since he died and I don’t really miss him although I really loved him and we were inseparable. This feeling of mine, of independence of him, I find strange. Is this denial too? Or maybe I really have moved on and that is okay?
One thing I can say is that regret is part of loss and part of mourning. For those of you who feel they should have done this or that, it is a normal feeling and does not mean that you did anything wrong. When we think back about almost anything, we will ffind things we should have done differently. I lost my husband three months ago in an accident and find myself wishing and wondering how I could have prevented his death. But I have come to understand that we can’t predict the future and we can’t live our lives anticipating loss. This feeling of regret is starting to lift now. I’m sure there are many things my husband would have regretted as well, yet I would never feel that we owed me an apology. We loved our spouses and we did the best we could in this imperfect life. Your regrets will dissipate with time, as your grief takes its course.
My Husband passed away unexpectedly on Dec 1, 2013. Today is 5 months and It’s really not a great day for me at all, Since he has passed not one day has been good..I wake up thinking about him, I go to bed thinking about him..We were together 35 years married 34. I am 50 years old, he passed at the age of 53. He wasn’t looking right the last year of his life and he had gone to the doctor he was diagnosed with high blood pressure so he went on medication for it ok, so once he got a good bp he tossed his medication which i didn’t know. Then he proceeded to tell me that the doctor took him off the pils not true. He didn’t care much for going to doctors, although this man never really got sick he may have had head colds but not bad enough where it made him stop working..He was the sole provider for our family..I stayed home took care of the kids.He wasn’t telling me what was going on inside of him i can see it on the outside and begged him to go back to the doctor, but he was the type of man that thought he could overcome whatever it was that was going on..He i believe didn’t realize how serious it was as he was retaining fluid the last two weeks he was complaining of being cold he was discharging blood and didn’t tell me..He and i didn’t have relations for six months and i saw why he was filling up with fluid in his genital area he didn’t want me to see that..The day before THanksgiving he had a doctor’s appt and he cancelled it, if he didn’t he would have been brought up to the ER his body temp was low due to the fact that he was loosing blood..I am so damaged because he didn’t let me help him..I get angry too because he took it upon himself to make his own diagnosis..Ik he was stressed out because of business, customers not paying him,we were depleting our savings account and always worried how he would make ends meet. but in the mean time, here is my poor husband , organs not functioning correctly he knew it, he was retaining fluid in his belly, and his ankles and water pills were just not letting him release enough water..he needed to be in the hospital..I will not let myself, my children blame themselves that we could have done something for him , it was up to him to do this he chose not too..He worked 7 days a week and the last two weeks as i said earlier he was complaining about being cold, that was because of the loss of the blood and his bp was dropping. The day he passed away, he worked that day was on the ladded welding came home, went back out to fuel up his truck came in sat down, i covered him because he was cold..he said it was because the winter’s were getting to him he hated the cold, yea i understand that, but this was a different kind of a cold..He thought he was sick he was getting all these over the counter medications which probably did him more harm then good because none of it didn’t do anything for him..The last thing he said to me, can i get a capful of Nyquil i gave it to him he laid back down got up went into the laundry room i heard something i ran in there he was unresponsive i screamed call 911 they were there in 4 minutes he was gone..everything he had done at the hospital was all fake.. it took 8 units of blood before it took and his color came back he looked at peace, but im dying inside knowing this wasn’t good they told me he had brain death..He would never come back even with the blood that was put in him..He had a cathetor in him and his kidneys failed nothing came out..My poor husband i miss him so much i sit here and cry as im writing this..He was such a good man always thought of others before himself, and i cannot believe that this could happen to him..I told him a month before please do not make me a widow he promised me he wouldn’t he wanted to go back into the union and just do business on the side and move down to north it confuses me did he know he was dying or just thought whatever was going on with him he can overcome it..but when your loosing blood and dragging something is wrong and retaining fluid..he was supposed to have an MRI done on his kidneys because the doctor had seen how his stomach was petruding out..I have the right to grieve in my own way.. I cry all the time, im severely depressed, there are days where i will not speak to no one answer my phone i just cover myself with a blanket..I am on anti depressant also on valium because of the panik attacks im getting also being on edge.This does help me somewhat..But i am a disabled widow with a 14 year old boy that will be graduating middle school and it hit me the other day his father isn’t going to be there at this ceremony..the emotions im going through wow i am so blown away..Im home alone as im writing this and this hurts too when im alone here im expecting him to come home from work get ready to cook dinner for him and sit down together and watch tv..It will never happen..My heart has been crushed into millions of pieces and it will take a long time to put those pieces back together..This man touched so many people and i was overwhelmed when i had his service that 350 people came to the funeral..I cried , it touched me that so many people cared so deeply for my husband..But now today marks 5 months almost a half a year i just cannnot believe that im alone, i thought we were supposed to grow old together..A part of me had died when i lost my husband i cannot feel for things the way i used too..sometimes i feel ok im going to get through this then just the littlest thing sets it off about my husband not being here no more..I had him cremated because i wasn’t putting him in a cold ground after he said he was cold, his wishes were not to be buried but to be i have him on my corner living room table with an angel that has been lit for 5 months straight..I never ever thought that i would ever have to go through something like this..My children are taking it better then me, i am expecting my second grandchild a little boy in may 2014 which my husband knew he was going to be a grandfather again but his first grandchild was his little princess he loved her so much when i think of that too, why did he give up why..i ask this question everyday why why why..Sometimes i feel why am i here, then i think my son needs me i have older children but my 14 year old needs me..My husband passed away from a massive heart attack, there was no blood in his body..When the doctors told me this, they couldnt believe how he came in a man of his age that hurts too.They actually told me he was one of the worst cases to come in the way he did..I want to hold his hand again i want to cuddle with him again and i know this isnt going to happen and its totally crushing me..I say to myself i though time was to heal wounds but its just gotten worse..There are days where i feel like i have been just told that you need to call your family up here to the hopstial all of his organs are failing..Oh my god how fast. In my own thinking we tried to keep him alive, but again everthing they did,didn’t do a thing..even though once he recieved all those units of blood and his color came back he looked good but as soon as they started to ween him down he would just get worse off..I knew it was over..We all stood around him with the priest then everyone left the room they took all of the breathing machine out of him, and i just laid on his chest until his heart stopped it didn’t take long..but i laid there i didn’t want to leave him after he was gone..i laid there on his chest for a half hour..The love of my life, my best friend has been taken from me..I am very very Heartbroken..My son told me and got mad at me and said Ma do you want to die of a broken heart get help..I do not want my life to end i just want my husband back and i know this will never happen..
I came across your website by chance, how fortunate was. It has been 7 months since my husband suddenly died and I seem to be far more emotional than I have ever been. I thought I should be moving forward at this stage not going backwards. Your article has helped me understand that my feelings are normal. I have not had counselling but perhaps it is something I should be thinking about.. We were married for 55 years and I feel now I am at the bottom of a deep hole with no way out. Your description of a wave crashing into your back is so true with a sudden death.
My husband if 57years passed away five months ago I have always had an emotional problem of being alone now I am. So many things happened since he passed . Dealing with all their paperwork finances social security office sent me a wild for months
I got so ill one thing after another I’m still ill I finally left my home and I’m staying with my daughter .
After everyone’s comments I feel better but maybe I do need some counseling it’s going to take some special learning for me to be able to live on my own . I was having problems with my eyes when my husband died and I five months I am now legally blind so my grief has doubled that I’m beginning to understand that what I feel is normal and I know I can’t go I’ll be alone anymore
I’m glad everybody post. I still don’t tell my mom but it sure has upped I pray you find your way to
My husband of 16 years was killed by his brother April 7 2014 in his mother’s home. We have 4 children ranging from the age of 13-27 and a grandson who is 6. Not only did I loose my husband, I lost my best friend and my children their father. My family and his now divided because of this tragedy. I know that everyone is hurting, but this pain is something I have never felt before. It hurts to even breath. I keep hoping for a physical pain that is comparable to this pain because I know that eventually the physical pain will go away or I can take a Tylenol. There is nothing I can take to make this go away. So many times I thought about suicide, but who would take care of my children and I know that he would be very angry. These past months I have been in this zombie state not realizing that I hadn’t hugged or kissed our children since it happened. They were so afraid of me dying from a broken heart. My absence was keeping them from grieving. So I continue to get out of bed and pray for the strength to make it through the day for them.
My husband died march 25,2014, it has just hit me, the sadness is overwhelming. Our only child died 13 years ago. The two I love most in the world.
6 months today I lost the guy I have been with since I was 14, 51 years married, 4 kids , they love me but are busy with their own lives. I had a mother that was very dependent on me and I swore to myself and keep that promise, that I will never be dependent on my kids but I am so lonesome and feel so empty , how does one heal. I so miss just having someone to share my days happenings. I never want another love but so miss not having a guy friend just to play a game of cards, laugh with , go out to dinner. I am blessed to have casual friends but unless I am hyper busy, I cannot cope. I am dreading the holidays . I will forever be sad .
I am In the same. Place after 57 years yes one does miss just having someone e to talk to that is not your wants to say things and feel things as companions do. Ihopeyou find a person to share with.
It’s been 6 months to the day that my husband died. He was my best friend in the world, and I am lost without him.
Since he died suddenly, the first few months were so hectic I had no time, it seems, to think or even grieve. And then it hit me about 2 months ago. The grief, despair, the ache, the guilt has so consumed me I am unable to function half the time.
Minor decisions that have to be made paralyze me, as I have no one to bounce them off to. Taking a shower is a chore, the newspaper sits on the driveway all day, frozen dinners seem so much easier than cooking. If it wasn’t for the dog, I doubt I’d get out of bed.
Thirty years gone in that instant.
And now his clothes don’t even smell like him any longer.
And I cry.
My wonderful husband and very best friend in the whole world died on January, 14th, 2015. I am now feeling worse than ever. It is so true what people say about the reality setting in. I felt numb for a while, and I can see now that that was a protective measure to keep me from going off the deep end. I cannot look at his clothes, or do anything right now. I feel like I will never get over the loss, and that life will never make me laugh again. My whole life is different now and I do not know what will become of me in the future. He was a fantastic husband and I loved being married to him. He was the bravest person to face what he did with such grace and concern for his family. I am going to a Grief Support Group, and I think it is helping, as the people there have all been through a terrible loss and they are so kind and compassionate. I hope I will not always feel this despair and pining for my husband and our life.
I am so grateful to have found this today. My husband died in his sleep 5 months ago (I never woke up-found him in the morning-) and I thought I was ok, but I feel today like a scab was ripped off and there is no real healing underneath. I have barely been managing at my high-stress corporate job but was asked to take leave today because I melted down and couldn’t stop crying. I have been wondering what’s wrong with me- I’ve always been very resilient, but even though I thought I was doing fine, I feel like I am in a worse place than I was a month ago. This article helps me realize it’s not just me…
There isn’t a widow or widower out there that can convince me this gets better. Manageable maybe for the lucky ones. Our loved ones are in a better place perhaps and we are living in hell.
Thank you!!!! Sudden death of my 36’year old husband brought me to my knees. This is me 5 months later my grief overwhelming. Also so much anxiety and fear which is new to me and scary. I continue towards the brightness of life. I continue with therapy and pray one day I will feel enjoyment.
Yes, I feel extreme anxiety and very fearful along with all the other emotions…I had to go to the Dr. because I was going crazy and my blood pressure was 210 over 120 and he had to put me on blood pressure medication…I thought I was dying also along with all kinds of other crazy thoughts…but I think I was dying otherwise why was my kidneys shutting down and my blood pressure so high. My counselor thinks I have ptsd because I had to watch my love die a slow and extremely painful death.
I looked after my husband for eight years following his cancer diagnosis,he was my world and I was his.
I know we were lucky to have eight years after diagnosis,we lived and enjoyed every day together,we were never apart,we held hands all the time,told each other we loved each other everyday.
He wouldn’t let anyone else do anything for him,so I gladly did everything to care for him.
He died at home as he wished and I held his hand when he left this world.
I thought 14 months after his death I was beginning to cope but this last week I have shed so many tears,I went to our special place yesterday,where we said many years ago we wanted our ashes scattered,it is in a private wood where we used to live and the owner is a dear friend of ours,and where I will join him one day.
Without him I just go through the motions of living I just want to hold him one more time,to feel his presence again,I will love him till it is my time to join him.
Thank you for all your comments and I know my loss is the same as yours and I feel for you all.
I feel very similar to everyone else here…it’s been over six months since my life partner and love passed away…it was sudden, shocking and very painful for her…none of the doctors make a proper and quick diagnosis and this led to her death. Knowing she may have been saved if quick and decisive action had taken place is one of the major grief thoughts I have…I know I need to forgive the medical community but the bottom line is she was critical and needed someone to help save her life and no one did…that is my reality. I now have to live the rest of my life, I’m 53, without the one person who really understood me and the one person I could actually live with without that person driving me crazy…I loved her so much and our lives were completely intertwined with each others and now I feel as though half of me has died with her. I still can’t believe my beautiful woman is gone forever…it sucks and it ain’t getting any easier. I hope I can feel joy again sometime but without her to share our joy together, it is going to be a challenge. Good luck to everyone who has to deal with the death of a loved one…it is without a doubt an extremely difficult situation that I’m finding out takes a very long time to normalize if ever again.
Wow. The very reason I found this web-site is because I did a search on feeling worse now, 61/2 months since my wife’s passing, than I did in the first month. My story holds many similarities to the other letters posted. My wife had just turned 60 when she passed away. We were married 34 years. Like someone had mentioned earlier, there is no good way to lose someone. I can’t even imagine the shock and horror of a “sudden death” loss. Some very sad, tragic stories here. My wife was one of those whose health wasn’t great for years, but really worsened in the last 10 or so. She never complained. Towards the end, she took her hospice at home, where I (and family) could care for her like I have done for years. I never minded helping her get around, dress, wash, etc., the hard part was watching her deteriorate, and lying next to her at night, listening to her struggle to breathe, and just waiting for that moment to happen.
My post-loss story, is also a culmination of the other letters that I have read here. Like most of you, we hit it off from day one. Her passing away is certainly much harder than I had imagined. Waves of sadness, anxiety, heart racing, physical aching, and complete emptiness come and go. Also previously mentioned, is that friends and family, many warm, caring, and wonderful people, naturally go back to their own lives and routines. That is to be expected. Sometimes you think you are doing ok, and then you hear one of “your songs”, and you stop what you are doing for a minute and re-live the memory. Last Christmas, I sat in the car outside of our first apartment for fifteen minutes, where we spent our first one together 35 years earlier. Then this last Valentine’s Day, I trudged through the snow for a block to zip tie a dozen roses to the shepherd’s hook next to the grave. I then had to ask a counselor friend of mine if I was crazy for doing these things. She said “not at all, you are honoring her, you cannot just shut off 34 years of marriage over night”. Like one person had mentioned earlier however, the bills continue to come in, but I do like when I can stay busy at work. Thanks to everyone for all of these posts. Lot’s here that I can relate to. I hope everyone here can eventually find peace in their hearts.
I feel worse in three months after my sons death age 35. I could not understand this. I’m crying more and more memories are flowing in. It was a sudden car
I feel worse in three months after my sons death age 35. I could not understand this. I’m crying more . It was a sudden car accident.
I lost Kenneth 25 weeks ago tonight on Boxing Day at 7 – 40 pm. He went into hospital at 1-30 am Boxing Day Morning, with a slight cough. The Paramedics who took him to hospital said he had pneumonia and Sepsis. The sepsis was new to me. I went to fetch him out at 5pm and they were fighting for his life. They hospital hadn’t sent for me it was an enormous shock to walk in on his final moments he had already gone, and even now i think he will come home. I wished with all my life i had been with him it breaks me to think I wasn’t with him. I feel a physical pain just wanting to hold him to talk to him. We had just Celebrated 50 years of marriage on 18th December so it was just one week and a day after that that he passed away. So sudden so final. He was just 70 I am nearly 70.I love him so much I am doing well people say but I have dark days where I can’t take on board the suddenness of it. Yes people are very good when it happens, but it was only 6 weeks after that my eldest son was telling me to pull myself together and “Get a life” . God forbid he never goes through the pain i feel..
Mrs Linda Bourne.
My hubby of almost 52 years died 12/4/16. He too died of sepsis related to a kidney stone. He had had many kidney stones in the past and he never put two and two together we this backache. I finally convinced him to go to urgent care for his “backache”. We never considered it was anything but a backache. He walked into the hospital at ten am, called me at eleven that he was being admitted to rule out pulmonary embolism, and of course i immediately went. Tests later showed mild pneumonia but no pulmonary embolism. Blood pressure was low, breathing fast and beginning kidney failure. All which I know are specific symptoms of sepsis along with some other labs. He really didnt,.look that bad. Sent me home at 4 for his ipad. Came back a while later and still in er…no fluids, no antibiotics, no further blood testing. Transferred to room about 7 and had horrible trouble breathing, put on a ventilator, sent to cst scan where they found the kidney store, suffered a massive heart attack and i allowed the removal of him from ventilator. None of the cardiodiologists would touch him as too unstable, the urologist would not either. we had had many long conversations and we knew each others wishes so i did what he would want. The ICU nurse said his heart attack was massive and if he even lived he would have needed a transplant no 70 year old with other problems is going to get. I am numb and cry little but Instead of crying I shake…not cold just shake. i so need to cry it wouldhelp ME but so far very little has come. I think it is all bottled up in me.I Miss him terribly, i blame myself for not absolutely nagging him about going in before, i blame myself for everything. I think i soon will follow him of a widows, broken heart
I am like most of you. My husband had a sudden massive heart attack whilst watching his favourite team play at Wembley Stadium on 28th May 2016. I was in London with him but visiting my daughter when we got the call to go to Hammersmith Hospital. He had just turned 65 and we were looking forward to a happy retirement together. I cannot get past all the plans we had together and like other people it jut gets worse and worse. The feeling of hopelessness, missing him and loneliness even though I have fantastic family and friends. I just cannot see a future without him.
I am so thankful that you shared your story. I have been trying to understand why I have been extremely emotional the last couple of weeks. My husband of 32 years passed away 3/27/16 after ememergency surgery. I have cried every day since, but more so now. My tears were usually at night when I was alone, but now there several times a day. I could understand why I was getting worse and not better. Again thanks for explaining about delayed grief.
Thank you for sharing your story. I lost my husband suddenly 5 weeks ago. I feel lost and afraid. I hate life right now. I hear it gets better with time. But the more time that passes without him I feel worse. I’ve read a lot of comments and many people say months down the road they were worse off. I can’t imagine feeling worse. I wish I had a fast forward button. So I could get past all the pain.
The first anniversary of my husband’s death is coming up on the 26th of October. He died suddenly and unexpectedly. He was 59. My daughter and I found him. I still replay this evening over and over in my mind. The anguish sound that came out of my daughter, my first visual of him was just his foot as he was lying on the floor. Attempting to give him CPR even though his body had already turned cold. I’ve had a very very difficult year but at times thought I was doing well. Now that his anniversary is coming up, I find myself being very anxious and think of him constantly. I don’t know how to make this transition any easier on myself.
It’s just over three years since Jack died, eight years of oral cancer took its toll on us both, together for fifty years, married for forty seven, ups and downs. The loss is harder now than when it first happened, think I was so busy keeping myself together, now each day I wake and it hits, there is no joy in my life. I have moved and have made a good life for myself, near our children, have friends, and volunteer so try to keep busy. But the one person l want to share it with, talk to, is not here. I would like to walk away from myself at times, and I think people expect that after three years l should be comming out of this process, but I’m not and l would avoid people because sometimes I just can’t put on a brave face. I read stories that are far harder than mine and think to myself that I’m so lucky,but it doesn’t help. I just want some peace, and wonder if that will ever happen.
It is 27 weeks today since the love of my life had to leave. He was only 47 years old and died of pancreatic cancer. I am grateful we had the knowledge and time to say goodbye. I took care of him at home and he died at home peacefully. He turned his head to me and smiled at that last moment and that was sustaining. He loved me dearly.
I read all your stories and I feel all of you. I’m so sad for all of us in this club. My only peace is knowing that I was one of the lucky few to know what true love feels like. I miss his presence every second. I miss talking to him. Love to all of you.
I lost the love of my life to pancreatic cancer in June, I nursed him at home and am haunted by the journey I saw him go through over 8 weeks. I try to be brave but talk to him all day every day, it’s the only way I can cope. Life doesn’t shine anymore, I feel like I am counting time until I can go with him but at 53 mine could be a very long challenge. I daren’t tell my children how I feel because by being solid they don’t have to worry about me, but inside my life ended with my best friend, my husband. I am exhausted by looking for projects to keep myself busy because I daren’t have spare time, then I just fall apart. I didn’t realise that my life which seemed such a gift would turn into such a suppressive existence. Love to you all, my heart goes out to everyone grieving and feeling pain.
11 years and I am still struggling. I also struggle with the fact people think I should be over it. I try so hard but it’s just not meant to be.
I just lost my Husband Danny today and I think I am dazed. My children are all here for me but I still feel lost. He died in his sleep. He was 69. I love him with all my being and do not know even why I am here without him. We have been together 49 years. I am sitting here crying and missing him already and lost…I really feel lost. We were always together and now after 49 years…he is gone and I am still here. The pain is almost unbearable….I want to be with him….I know that is selfish but the pain of this is just impossible. I am now living in the shoes of so many other women…and I feel weak. He would not want me to feel like this…but he was so much stronger willed than me. I am just lost
I am going through the very same thing, this article has helped. Pray for me, the pain is worse now than before!
Thanks. That article has helped me. It is 13 weks on Monday since my husband suddenly died. I have been more emotional this week, bursting into tears at the slightest thing.
I am doing all the normal things like attending Groups we attended together and others by myself. I have had a lot of support from friends and family, but after 61 years of marriage I suppose it is to be expected. He was my soul mate – I had know him since I was 15.
I had an operation for colon cancer in February and for my husband to die 6 weeks after I got the all clear, seems ironical. He had been worried about me since last November.
I know time will heal. I am a lucky woman as I have no regrets and we made the most of our retirement. I just thought we had a few more years. I am 81 and he was 84.
Anyway, thanks for your article. It has helped. I don’t feel like going to counselling. I am going on holiday to friends in Spain soon which is something we did regularly as a couple, so it will be different travelling by myself. I am not sorry for myself. I just miss him being around. Although I do talk to him as though he is there sometimes.
I lost my husband in Nov I have not been able to process the loss it happened suddenly and brutal for me
While he was in ICU I stayed will him until his last breath. It was horrific.. I spent the first year idk trying to pretend it was happening to someone else. I was dreaming stuck in a nightmare. My councelor at the time tried to help but left at the first five months. I was surrounded by people who only talked about the loss of their mates who have been gone for years
One friend saidshe compared my lose to some guy she broke up with
I didn’t try to be sad around my friends and kept up a strong face
My husband was a artist musician a legend. I promised him I would keep his memory alive. It’s been a year and a few months I am alone and sad lonely and I don’t even know who I am anymore. I feel like the people around me are not helping me more like dragging me down
I don’t know how to act anymore I just miss my husband my life . We we’re only in our early fifties . Anyway thanks for letting me share. Peace
Thank you, I am experiencing the same thing. My dad died 4 months ago and I feel everyday it’s getting harder to cope, my mum passed away when I was 21 and my daughter when I was just 17 (I’m now 36) and I was really close with my dad. I miss him so so much and find it impossible to live without him, he was truly amazing. The way he died definitely has played a major part in the sadness I feel, he was told on the day he died he has HIT (heparin induced thrombocytopenia) but he was fine, we were not expecting it at all, we didn’t even know he was given heparin but later found out he was given it 5 weeks previous. I feel the hospital should have known or picked up on it within the 5 weeks. I just don’t know if this will get any easier, I can only pray it does.
I am so glad to find this article. I have been told that sadness is worse 2 years after a loss and was wondering if I am at a lower point now because of knowing that. My husband had a sudden death and I know the shock and conscious effort to lift myself for my kids numbed and helped me the past months. Now, I feel the nagging loneliness. I do hope it will pass.
My husband is back!!! I had a problem with my husband 8 months ago,which lead to us apart. When he broke up with me,I was no longer myself,I felt so empty inside .Until a friend of mine told me about one of her spells that helped her in same problem too that she found on a television program. i emailed the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked me. To cut the story short,Before I knew what was happening,not up to 48 hours,my husband gave me a call and he come back to me and told me he was sorry about what has happened, I’m so grateful to this spell caster and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me.If you need his help,you can email him at dr.mack201@gmail. com…..thank you sir great Dr.Mack for all that you do and i greatly appreciate
A perfect analogy for what I’m experiencing. There are moments when I wish I wish I weren’t a mother so that I wouldn’t have to go on living. Its a daily struggle to find a purpose beyond merely being alive.
My beautiful husband passed away just over 15 months ago. I miss him so much and continue to struggle every single day. I think about him throughout each day and night.
I am at 5 months since my husband of 21 years died in a farming accident.
I did a google search for “i feel like i did the first month after my husbsnd died” and this article came up.
It’s a a relief to know I am not the only one who feels less capable now. But it’s hard to work and function when you feel the expectation of others is that you should be doing better, not worse, with time.
I appreciate how the writer explains death/grief as a wave you either see coming or not. You are battered either way.
Thank you for sharing your stories. The only thing that seems to help me is reading the stories and experiences of others who have lost their spouse.
I have been through the loss of two husbands. It was not any less impactful the second time. Knowing what to expect helped with the “crazy” feeling.
Unfortunately, the USA generally does not recognize the issues involved with grief. IE paperwork, working through unresolved estate/trust issues. These things delay the process of grief and add the sense that something must be wrong with me syndrome. One can not possibly focus on grief when trying to assemble and process the death paperwork. When I was still working ( I lost my second husband) Standard procedure was 3 days. Even though my work was done, just because I kept to myself and got through the day, I was told to “get over it” (six months after his death)
My last husband was not physically in the best of shape the last few years, he opted for quality rather than quantity. Even through expected, the shock was still impactful. Again, people that do not understand the emotional carousel ride were insensitive. The Victorians had it right 2 years of grief recognition gets most of the “issues” resolved. Yes, one still misses a loved one every day, but the memories are happy ones, the black and gray areas seem to fall away.
Grief counseling and having a belief in the Holy Spirit gets you through.
Thank you, it’s been over 3 months since my wife died unexpectedly and I am getting worse as time goes by, so thank you for your story.
My husband passed away 8 months ago today. We were married almost 38 years but we had been together for 43 years. We were very close and did everything together. We were very blessed with 3 beautiful children and 3 amazing grand children. My husband got sick with a disease called pulmonary fibrosis and for 3 years we faught it with everything we had. We even went to Duke for a second opinion and there we found out that he also had an autoimmune disease. So basically his body was also fighting itself. Over the last few years we got very close. We spent a lot of time with our family and friends. We also took care of his elderly parents and my mother lived with us and we took care of our beautiful granddaughter while her parents went to work because we didnt want her in daycare but that was a decision we chose to do together and we felt good about it. Our granddaughter gave us so many beautiful memories together and we would never trade that. So we did all that and still tried to deal with all he was going through too. Im having such a hard time being without him we did eveything together i went to every doctor appointment with him and my loss is great. Don’t misunderstand i have a wonderful support group our children are amazing i talk to all of them everyday because they either call or come to see me. We are a very close family. I also have some amazing friends too. Im having such a hard time dealing with his passing and i miss him so much. He was a wonderful husband,father and granddaddy so it is very hard to let go. Some days are so hard and then some days are a little easier. I guess i should also tell you that in a 9 month span i lost my daddy ,my mother and then my husband so it was a lot to take on. Sometimes i feel guilty going on with daily things not that i would ever try to hurt myself. What im talking about is doing things around the house that he was unable to do over the passed 3 or 4 years cause i keep thinking he should be here to enjoy being here and seeing this. I know in my heart that he would want me to do these improvements and he would want me to be happy but i just still miss him so much. I know in my heart that i did everything within my power to take care him and to take him to the best doctors but that doesnt stop me from thinking what did i miss. Everyone tells me that is normal but it still hurts so bad and i cant sleep at night. I blame it on the fact that we spent so many nights sitting up holding hands watching tv together and when we did go to bed i would lay there for hours watching him sleep just to make sure he was breathing. I consider them nights a blessing because we were together. Im just having such a hard time because i feel like i have lost my best friend. I feel blessed that we had such a deep love for each other dont get me wrong we have had our bad days but for the most part we had a good life together and now j just have to forgive myself and try to find a way to be happy if i can. I will always love him and he will always live in my heart. Is there any advise you can offer to help me ith my pain. Thanks ahead of time.
It’s been 7 months since I lost my husband. There is not a single day when I haven’t thought about him and that fateful day when I just lost him. It was so sudden, he Wass all but 41 and never had any health issues. We were married for 15 yrs with 11 Yr old son now. He was the best friend and life partner ever. I love him so dearly and just like that one day passed out at home and died. Fate has its ways… Sadly! He was celebrating his 41st birthday and I was to return home early from work and I was planning a surprise party with family and freinds. I don’t know how or why it happened have reconciled that it was meant to be this way but the pain grows deeper everyday. As I type this message am crying and I cant stop! Am sitting at a hotel lobby waiting for a cab and my mind is blank and all I can think of is him! There are no triggers to my feeling it just hits me from nowhere everytime. While I want to be strong for my son, there are days I want to scream out crying so much. I pray for him every day and thank God for my blessings am left behind, but the pain doesn’t fade away ever. I don’t think it will ever I have to just learn to live with it. I hope and pray for better tomorrow.
Melinda, first of all I’m sorry for the loss of your husband. Thankyou for sharing what you went thru. It’s been 10 months since my husband of 16 years left me. He was only 58. What you wrote has helped me so much. I thought I was going crazy, but after reading your story I see it’s ok to have these feelings.
Your article did help me as I too lost my husband seven months before out of a sudden heart attack. He was out of station on tour and didn’t receive even the basic life support. I got a call next morning when he was already shifted to mortuary.
You are right saying that grief becomes harder to cope as days go by…
God bless you!
My husband of almost 19 years died May 9, 2018. I’m the beginning I had a drive to get everything done, all the paperwork, housework, organize, clean … But the last 3 months I haven’t done much at all, just the hard necessities, and that has been a struggle. My friends don’t seem to understand or don’t want to talk about my loss, family is back to thie r life, I am feeling like I can barely breath. I signed up for a brief support group and I know that will help but this really sucks. I just want my husband back, I don’t want to go through this, I am so lonely and miss him so very much!
I thought I was doing ok after the death of my wife. I had returned back to work and was staying busy with church and other activities. I even had a new relationship. Then came her 6 month anniversary and I was so depressed. I missed a couple of days of work and had no motivation. I even told my girlfriend I can’t do a relationship now. Life was so different now and I was sad aot of the time. I know all will come to pass and lm looking forward to that day. I will continue to do what needs to be done, and remain faithful to God.
Hi My husband died suddenly of a heart attack March 2017; the shock and business that needed doing distracted me. I also went back to work. I quit eventually due to added workload after the organization said “We are worried about you and want you to have work life balance” These words were lies.
My husband also died a horrible death after we stupidly decided to donate his body parts. He was moved to a nursing unit after he did not die in a timely manner the nursing unit that night was a hell hole run by the dregs of nursing. And my mother was a nurse so I know the difference. I had to watch him suffer as he was no longer of any value to the organ donation people. His care changed from caring to cruelty.
I am now writing this new years eve and I am worse than I was. I can barely cope, I am angry, sad, feel hopeless and I know that if I had had notice I could have perhaps prepared. I.e. my mother died of cancer and we went through it with her for two years. I was relieved when she died as she was so sick. I did not get to say goodbye to my husband who I met when I was 17 and I am now sixty. I did not get to retire with him and we had plans and no there is nothingness and hopelessness. So yes dying unexpectedly is harder in my opinion.
I did not get to say goodbye. It was an unexpected cardiac arrest and by the time my husband was found unconscious it was too late. Its almost been three months. Thank you for this article, I too wondered why I was not in full bloom grieving. After he unexpectedly died, I had a funeral to plan and I had to deal with a stressful work situation at the same time. Its starting to hit harder now and I sometimes think, “how can someone be here one minute and be gone the next.” I still can’t believe he is gone.
My grief is like peaks and valleys and there are more valleys than peaks. I lost most of my family 3 years ago and all within 3 months of each other. I lost my parents and my youngest sister who was also my best friend and companion. My middle sister died last Christmas 2018 and I am still devastated. It hit me even harder when my last sister died and I had to deal with arrangements all by myself, because I have no other family. My mother’s relations, who have survived were absolute trash, as I got no support, help or comfort from them when my youngest sister died, in fact they were hostile towards me. I have since cut off all communication with them. I will never fully recover from the deaths of my family.
My husband passed away on Nov. 2018 from a massive heart attack. I have immersed myself in work and go to the gym mornings/evenings. I cannot stand being alone at home. We were happily married for 32 yrs with no relationship problems. He was my soulmate and I his. The gym has helped me if you can say this (survive the loss). I little by little it seems that my life is returning back to normal. I can joke and laugh like before. However there are days when I feel very lonely and miss him dearly. I send him texts once a week to remind him that he will always be my only soulmate. Today, I was feeling extremely sad, almost like when he died. I went online and found this page. Thanks for keeping it up, it made me feel better that I am not the only one. God Bless everyone for sharing their stories.
I’m so glad to have read this. I lost my husband three years ago and in many ways I’m just starting to grieve now, or I’m finally able to grieve now. Three weeks after his death, I was diagnosed with colon and liver cancer and my life became like another world. I think I’ve been in shock, in a way, ever since this all happened. The cancer treatment was hell on earth, with physically debilitating surgery and then months of chemotherapy. I was a physical wreck for over a year afterwards, hardly able to even do things like cook. I was 71 when this all started and I’m now 74 and I’m finding it extremely hard to gain back the muscle and energy that I lost from being almost motionless for a year or more. I think living alone made it worse, simply because it’s very easy to get used doing nothing if there’s no one to do anything with. I’m just now starting to rebuild my life and it’s bewildering. I’m groping around in the dark, but every now and then I come across some glowing gems of hope. This article is one.
I really liked what you wrote about the stages of grief. If you have any other writing I am interested in reading them.
Thank you so much for your input., and the analogy.. Little things like that are helping me get through the journey of losing my spouse. It has been a little more than a month, but I am already seeing some of his family moving on. That is their journey, and I have mine.
Thank you so very much for this post. I lost my husband in a tragic accident, it will be 6 mths tomorrow. I haven’t seen a grief counselor yet bc I feel I am so busy trying to get answers for my husband’s last day of life I am a detective ugh. I feel more anger now then when it 1st happened. Delayed grief totally makes sense . I feel like I am going crazy I am so tired of trying to be strong.
I am so very thankful for your sharing and your being able to continue on. I made it thru the funeral; returned to all 3 of My jobs within a few weeks. Celebrated Easter with all 6 kids and 8 of the grandkids–my smile in all of the pictures is/looks genuine. My husband of 24 years died at age 66 yrs 6 months 19 days, on tax day, April 15, 2019 and I can hardly see the keyboard on my phone; my eyes are on fire with tears; I hear unimaginable sounds belonging to a mortally wounded animal, but I’m the only one in the room. I WIIL NOT HAVE A HALLMARK CHANNEL CHRISTMAS, or birthday, or New Year, or any day! HOW am I supposed to accept that?? God had brought him back from the brink so many times. He was supposed to be coming home for Easter, not going to the morgue in a body bag. His oxygen and blood pressure levels were supposed to slowly increase as I sat holding his hand, rubbing his thin pale arm; not decrease to flat-line with his mouth agape. My kids and grandkids should not be without a Dad and a ‘Papa J’. But here we are; here I am. I am the basket AND the case
–with broken handle and busted lock–a non-functioning ‘thing’. I resent the blessing of my home because it requires cleaning; repair; upkeep; mortgage, heat, electric, and water bills to be paid. Is it really SO BAD to let the dog go potty (or worse) in the basement just so I don’t have to put forth the effort of getting up, putting on my coat and shoes and talking him outside?? My license plates expire tomorrow…if I get a ticket I know I won’t show up at court to give explanation…what would I say that would be of any consequence? Maybe dentures would be a good alternative to having to brush my teeth twice a day…but why even bother…if you don’t eat, you don’t need teeth…or, if you eat everything your doctor has told you NOT to eat, you’ll get full-blown diabetes, be incapacitated, disabled…die…either way, no more having to brush your teeth…and yes, I realize I jumped from first-person…that probably has some psychological significance…but what does it matter?…my husband is still dead; never coming back to me; never sharing another holiday, or grilled cheese sandwich, or hug or argument. Grief??? How DARE five freaking little letters blindside my ENTIRE existence.
I’m very grateful to have found this site. My husband of 44 years died unexpectedly almost 6 months ago. When I say 6 months ago I can’t believe it’s been that long. I’ve just realized recently that I’ve been in some sort of a time Warp or a time limbo. I have been so filled with grief and sadness. I could not accept my husband’s death I truly kept thinking he’d show up somehow . We were high school sweethearts and did everything together. He was my rock …my everything. And I think now how can I go on without him. How can I ever be happy how can I ever laugh how can I ever enjoy life? I pray a lot to God to help me get through this loneliness, sadness, emptiness… some days I just want to die … I think I can’t do this anymore.
Everyone has gone back to their lives…my life was my husband. I can never go back and my heart just breaks. My kids don’t understand, they want their mom back the person I used to be. They don’t want me sad. I feel like I’m an outsider looking into my “new normal” life.
I’m scared that this grief /hurt process will never end…that my heart will always feel this pain and that I won’t be able to deal with it. Some have said you need to move on move forward…how do you do that???? When you don’t even know who you are any more? And then to be alone in the midst of all this Coronavirus?
I lost my husband last feb very sudden he was only 56 we had been together 30 years been keeping so busy been doing at the start 18 hour days as he was in construction game and just started a huge refurb so set up business with his main guy who took me for a lot of money and then he had no respect for me , he felt I killed my husband so then cancelled partnership and went self employed, so lost but work has kept me going and all the paperwork as in his name , but now this lockdown so alone struggling to get motivated and scared can’t stop crying hitting me so hard now .
I lost my husband April 18 2020 unexpectedly. It was a normal day. I found him in his man cave he was slouched over his knees I don’t know I didn’t think anything was wrong so I called out his name Jay but no response so I walked over lifted his head up by his shirt and he was purple I layed him on the floor ran in my room to get my phone to call 911 and my kids heard me freaking out. They came running out and seen there dad discolored lifeless body on the floor I told them to leave as I was trying to do CPR the cops arrived and took over paramedics showed up and it seemed like hours of them working on him but they came to me and told me basically he was dead. That day I prayed the hardest I have ever prayed to save him but it didn’t happen. I had to tell my kids the news the worse day of are life’s. My daughter 18, son 16 and my youngest my husband favorite or daddies girl is 12. He had sleep apnea he had blackouts but I guess he had a blackout and never came to and the way he was position stopped his air flow. I go through guilt everyday only if I checked on him sooner he would be here. The days are getting worse. It’s hard trying to deal with the pain everyday but also trying to help your kids when you can’t even help yourself. I feel hopeless everyday. I just want to give up on life everyday because I can’t handle this pain but where would my kids be without me. I miss everything about him. No one will ever understand unless they have lost the of there life. I’ve been with my husband since we were 16 he was my first love my first everything. I have never loved anyone but him. We are 37 years old now he was so young. He was 21 years of my life the best moments of my life. It’s crazy I looked forward to die one day to be with him. I don’t know if I can handle this pain. I feel so alone. It was just us 5 rest are family live in different states. I literally have know one here with me no friends and family. I read all of these post and I understand there pain. I’m sorry no one deserves to have to deal with this pain.
That makes perfect sense to me too. I lost my April very sudden and going into month # 8 is difficult to say the least.
This is me. I lost my husband 7 months ago. I too thought I was doing okay. Moving forward step by step. But this 7th month has just destroyed me. My husband’s death was a shock to say the least. I can’t seem to stop crying uncontrollably. I feel worse now then I did when he died. I don’t know how to go on. All I see is him dying. I am afraid to tell anyone for fear they feel I am just crazy and weak. What if I never get passed this stage.
Thank you, thank you so much for sharing and putting into words my life.
It is true what was made on the last comment.
My husband died on 14th December 2019. We had only just moved to wales in 2018. He was only 58. I miss him greatly. He died of a stroke.
Today Saturday 22nd May 2021 was a classic. I went to our local pub for a drink. We always went in there together. When we moved here my husband struck up a friendship with the guys in the pub. But now I feel like I am a outsider. It seems no-one wants to talk to me. I suppose they don’t know what to say to me. It seems that the only association with the guys was through my husband. Now I just feel lost. It seems when he first died they could not do enough for me but now they don’t seem to want to know. Right now I feel so alone. I don’t go out much as I don’t know many places to go. It is not much fun on your own. I find it hard to talk to my family as they are always busy. I some times find myself when I talk to people saying my husband died. I hate that because I don’t want people to feel sorry for me. I feel so isolated some times. I just crave to have someone to poor out my feelings to. Everyone keeps saying I am so strong but I don’t feel it sometimes. I haven’t had much counciling.
May 20th 2021.
Im grieving the sad loss of my husband of 20 short years. I feel as though im going in circles doing nothing. I think about Brian all the time. I reall y have no direction in my life. Kind of think my life is meaningless and with no purpose. I just dont know what to do with myself . Tracy Smith
Thank you so much. I found my boyfriend of almost 10 years dead in January and this article is exactly where I am…and I will be looking for a therapist tomorrow because I am now starting to feel rather than rise above my emotions and I can’t stop crying and I truly am alone.
My husband died on 11 Jan 2021. It is now 25th July 2021. I am sitting alone in my bed and crying. No sense of living anymore. I knew him for 35 years. I am now 51 years old. I feel empty.
Thank you- it has been 5 months and each day seems more unreal that he is really gone. Much worse than the first 4 months. Your story has assured me I am
not insane.
Hi Melinda. I did a google search with the exact words of your article “Why do I feel worse now than right after my husband died” and it led me to this post. It helps to know I that what I’m feeling is normal, so thank you for that. I liked your analogy with the ocean and seeing this huge crashing wave coming but not being able to do anything about it. My husband died from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) after a three year battle with it. I spent the last year of our marriage caring for him and stayed strong for him throughout because of his positivity and strength. He was my rock and now my rock is gone. I miss him so much and now on top of that, lately I’ve been overwhelmed by feelings of regret. I understand that’s normal too, but I don’t know how to get passed it. People tell me, “at least you had a great love; not everyone finds that” and I am grateful for that — but it also makes the loss that much more painful & difficult. I lost my best friend, my love, and half of my heart.
It’s been over ten years now since my wonderfully loving and beloved, happy and sincere Wife Tracey died suddenly yet (which is the only thing that I can take away from any of it) peacefully in Her sleep from an undiagnosed Heart defect (a left ventricular hypertrophy) She was the only Girl I’d known who held the same Hopes as myself and someone I’d known since early in secondary school, although back then it was more in passing as we tended to move in the same circles. She had a magnetic personality that loved life and all that it could offer. When We dud become an item in the Spring of ’95 we were both recovering from hurtful breakups with former partners and the night We went out (just as friends) having been to see the Shawshank Redemption (Hope is a Good Thing) at the local Cinema and then met up with a couple of my School friends, who She also knew and by the time the two of Us left the last pub after 1am on a Sunday Morning and taken Her to get a Taxi Home, an innocent mixup caused the kiss intended for my cheek to say “Thanks for an incredible night out” landed smack on my mouth and that was it, the thunderbolt that joined Us together at the hip for over 16 incredible years. Everyday we spent together was a blessing, there were a few little rows naturally but in all the time We had together they were the product of nerves and stress, nerves about the Wedding (which went by problem free and We counted as one if the Best Days of Our Lives alongside that first “Date” night) and when We both lost Our longtime jobs during the recession (finding Ourselves unemployed, in Our early forties for the first time since leaving School/College
We weren’t fortunate to gave had any children, nearly, but he/she didn’t go full term and that was the closest We got. But when We talked about it, We were Happy to have each other…less than two months later even that was gone
I never felt any bitterness though, due to my Catholic upbringing I’d always known that death is a doorway We all gave to step through eventually, but I did feel let down for a long time along with the other elements of grief and bereavement which even now, ten years later, is still something I struggle with but that’s quite simply because every moment that’s gone by since is one where I constantly miss My Wife
I lost My Mum in 2013 and My Dad at the end of July last year, both in their 80’s but both a loss I struggle with. I’ve never been diagnosed with ptsd, Traceys Dad had after He returned from serving in the Paras during WW2 where He’d been deployed in Italy and saw dreadful things which haunted Him for the rest of His days. I’ve had multiple sessions of counselling and although they did get Me through the sharp end of the pain they never filled the Tracey shaped vacuum that my Life’s become, at 55. But I’m now on the verge of a new job after nearly fourteen long years and am both equally excited and fearful of it, but I am going to give it my best go. Thus could be the start of some kind of new beginning and at the very least is better than the isolation I’ve coped with for so long. I Hope So
i am thankful I saw this article tonight. This weekend it will be 7 months since my husband of 52 years died suddenly and unexpected. I thought after getting through the holidays and all I was doing pretty fair. Tonight I went to pick up supper and while waiting I saw a beautiful sunset. That’s all it took to bring the tears. I have had 1 counseling session with the next one tomorrow. I will tell her about this article. I feel so alone and just want to hear his voice.
It a life time of grief never goes away. My wife was my only living relative my parents and both brothers are gone over the last 10 yers then i lost her too. Its not easy starting your life over at 70 totaly alone.
my husband died a year and a half ago with a heartattack i have tried to cope as my 35 year old son is home and has atusim and needs me but at times ilike now i feel dreadful and am crying now we were 42 years together i will never stop loving him what can i do ?
Melinda’s comments were so helpful and so are those of everyone else. I am 7 month into the grieving process and everyone told me I did so well, but that was because I had so much to do. The business of his death is now largely done and I have entered a new phase of deeper despair. After 7 months, the sudden crying, the pain, and missing my deceased husband are at a deeper, tougher level. The anxiety some of you describe is there especially every morning. My husband had cancer so it was not sudden. I was glad and proud to care for him. Before him, I also cared for my Mom as she was dying from a fall and stroke for 3 months, and then cared for my only sibling, a sister as she was dying from exact causes unknown. My brother in law, who I had known for over 50 years, died suddenly 5 days before my husband. So I definitely have some type of PTSD. My friends and family have been great, but yes, they are back in their routines. My husband was my soul mate and a lovely lovely man even when he was so sick. My only comfort is to remind myself that we had 38+ years of happiness together. Some folks never find someone that is their soul mate and some of you lost the love of your lives at such a young age. It is hard to come to grips with these huge losses, but nothing, no life on earth lasts forever….. and, at some points in life, we are all alone. This is what I say to myself when I am stronger. But reading your notes has made me feel stronger than when I began the day, so thank you.
With anticipated death we had the trauma of watching my husband deteriorate from pancreatic cancer, dying by inches, caring for him around the clock in extreme situations we had no experience in handling. So we got hit in in the back and also by the wave we knew was coming. And you are never, ever prepared. Any way you lose a loved one is traumatic, and to imply otherwise is erroneous. Grief is not a competition.
I read these and think I am not even close to the worst of it. Tomorrow is only 5 days since my husband died. He beat cancer, had a normal day, and came inside and died of a heart attack. I knew our time was shortened, but not this short. I am going through all sorts of emotions. I feel empty, lost, scared, angry and confused. I keep hoping that each day will get better. I know, it’s too soon. It’s still so very fresh. How do I keep going? Our kids are grown. We had over 30 years together…now, we are not together. I can be “normal” all day, and think, ok…I got this. Then I find myself breaking down over a spoon! A spoon! Why? It was one he always used, I was doing dishes and it was in there. Then I got angry at myself for crying over a stupid spoon. I just need to be reassured it will get better. Even a little bit. I am so lost and empty. I am not alone, my kids and others are very near making sure I am ok. But I miss him so much it hurts. And it’s only been close to 5 days.
Will I ever be able to have a somewhat normal day? Will my pain ease?
I want to ask a favor from you I just lost the love of my life and I don’t have any family or friends to support me in this time I want to see if you would be so nice to give me a book that you are speaking on now of is there hope after losing the love of your life Thanks GOD BLESS YOU
I just wanted to say thank you so much for this. I am 34 and lost my husband suddenly to an undiagnosed brain tumour 6 weeks ago. We have two children, age 3 and age 1! It’s just unbelievably hard to see my 3 year old so confused but I am so lucky to have so many friends and family to help me out – but just like you said, that is now starting to lessen – even my 3 year old noticed that the house is no longer full all the time. I have been worried that my feelings aren’t what they “should be” or what people “expected” so it is comforting (in a strange way) to hear that it is fairly normal to feel this way at an early stage and I feel like I am waiting for it to hit me when I realise this is all actually true. So I just wanted to thank you for posting this truth on your heartbreak online – you are amazing!!!
I just lost my fiance 7/3/24 in a single car crash
He was ejected because he wasn’t wearing seatbelt and he was speeding. I was at work about 4 miles away! He died in emergency room abdominal surgery. It is now 5 weeks and 4 days since and I am so depressed I can’t even go to work. I don’t know how I managed to take care of his funeral arrangements because I can’t even get out of bed now! I cry everyday! I miss him so much! He was 56 years old! I am 58 and I am losing interest in life. He was my world. The most devastating about how I found out was he hadn’t come home or called me so hours later I called local hospitals. I raced there! But I was too late they made a mistake and told me he was in surgery but once I got there, I found out he died many hours before. They made a horrible mistake. He had been gone many hours and I didn’t know! They didn’t call the contact numbers in his wallet!!!! I laid on the hospital floor and cried and cried his name. I don’t know how I will go on.
I’ve been counseled by grief counselors when he first died. But because of the love we had for each other, my heart still yearns for him and I miss him every day of my life. When I open my eyes in the mornings, the first thought is my husband. I miss him soooo much!! I am trying to find something to do. I am a retired college professor–they retired me because of my age!!! I am positively sure of that although they DID NOT mention my age in that letter of separation!
I should begin socializing to meet people who dealt with the same thing I’m dealing with right now. Hopefully…..
Dr. J. Dorman
My husband died six weeks ago of Motor Neurone Disease, and he had had it for almost two years. He couldn’t walk or talk, and his hands were becoming so bad that he wasn’t able to type what he wanted to say, so it was frustrating for both of us. I found it very hard work physically, as I’m 79, but reasonably fit for my age. He eventually got four carers a day, but they were only there for half an hour, and the times I really needed them were when they weren’t there. There was one night when I couldn’t take it any more and I shouted at him… I’ll never forgive myself for that. He died a week after that of a heart attack, and I’m convinced it was all my fault. I know it was better for him to go before he was any worse, but I just keep thinking of all the things I could’ve done better and I hate myself for not doing more.
Thank you for this this is exactly how I feel. Couple that with all the regrets I have over the stupid fights that we both regretted while he was alive but I can’t seem to forget how hurtful we were to each other sometimes. We always kissed and made up but still I wish they had never happened in the first place and I can’t get over the guilt of my part in those arguments and the hateful things we would say to each other. I’m sight is always 20/20 but it never hits home as much as it does after you lose someone you love, after you lose part of your heart. We were married for 45 years and it was a sudden death. We did take other for granted now and then but when push came to shove weeach were always there for each other. I just hope that at some point I can feel and remember the good stuff instead of the bad. There are many accounts of how people’s loved one comes to them in little ways after they’re gone. I haven’t had the privilege of that but I really hope I do soon. I miss him holding me and telling me everything is going to be all right. Now I have no one to come home to at night and no one to hold me and tell me everything is going to be all right.
Late to this post, but still see activity.
My husband of 25 years suffered a fatal coronary thrombosis right in front of me. The guilt is incredible. I should have made him see a physician. His autopsy was horrific. Genetics and some poor lifestyle choices. … but not that extreme. 57 years old and gone. It’s been 6 months and I am still paralyzed. Have to sell house, move, take care of our dogs. I still cry daily. I miss him so much. I don’t think it ever gets better. He was my life.
Everything you wrote has happened to me. It has been one year and 5 days since my husband passed. It still feels like yesterday. I cry every day and every night when I go to bed. My husband’s sister has been a big help. She lost her husband several years ago. She keeps telling me I am okay, and I try to believe her, but when I am alone, well, I don’t know how to word it. I just miss him so very much. We were perfect together. Never argued, enjoyed the same things. I guess it will take more time, so I will try to be patient and be happy for the years we had together.