Voices of the Grieving Heart: Mike Bernhardt: 9780964281004: Amazon.com: Books


Grieving the death of someone we loved is the darkest road many of us will ever travel.

Each of us must find our own path as we navigate the uncharted territory of our new lives. Voices of the Grieving Heart isn’t a map; it’s a companion on that difficult journey. On these pages are the voices of 83 people who traveled their own roads through grief after their loved ones died. Along the way, they wrote poems about what they felt, experienced, and learned.

Mike Bernhardt

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Mike Bernhardt’s personal journey with grief and poetry began when his first wife died in 1991. To express feelings that were often overwhelming, he turned to writing poetry. He also searched for books containing other people’s poems about grieving the death of a loved one but found little that moved him. So, he decided to create his own book. Voices of the Grieving Heart is a unique volume with over 160 selected poems, essays, and images by 83 contributors sharing their experiences of loss, grief, and transformation. Mike is a Certified Grief Educator and is trained as a facilitator in Poetry as a Tool for Wellness. He has been interviewed about grief, and the power of poetry to express the inexpressible, on radio and on a number of podcasts, including Open to Hope. He has been a presenter at various organizations including the National Association for Poetry Therapy and Rotary International. To learn more or buy Voices of the Grieving Heart, visit https://mikebernhardt.net.