Loss of a Family Member


Hurting and in pain and looking for hope? In times of bereavement watch, read and listen to stories of hope and recovery.


  • The Difference Between Functioning and Grieving

    Posted on July 22, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Grieving over Libby A few months after Libby died, I sat for an interview with a local newspaper to talk about her death, her impact on the people she knew, […]

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  • Tell Your Grief Story

    Posted on July 22, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Tell Your Grief Story Telling your grief story is an insanely powerful way to process your emotions. At first, friends and family want to hear the story, and we tell […]

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  • A Writer’s Attempt to Outrun Grief

    Posted on May 20, 2024 - by Robin Finn

    A Writer’s Attempt to Outrun Grief I set my timer for twenty minutes and vow to write without stopping. I tell myself not to judge, not to edit, not to […]

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  • Handling Your Own End-of-Life Planning: A Thoughtful Goodbye

    Posted on May 20, 2024 - by Kathleen Rehl

    Handling Your Own End-of-Life Planning Each of us will eventually have to confront death. My late husband, Tom, died in my arms several years ago. Less than two months later, […]

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  • Space to Heal: Finding Meaning after Loss

    Posted on May 20, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Coping with the death of my twin has been an incredibly challenging and personal experience. Finding meaning and purpose in the aftermath has and continues to be a deeply personal […]

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  • The Magic of a Child’s Grief

    Posted on May 14, 2024 - by Anne Abel

    Son’s Grief Opens a Door I got a belated birthday card from my mother for my 41st birthday. “To Our Wonderful Daughter,” was scripted on the front, in gold, above […]

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  • Creating a Loss History

    Posted on May 13, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Creating a Loss History The first place we need to start is the past. We’re going way back—as far back as you can remember—and dredging up any experiences that may […]

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  • Practicing Gratitude in Grief

    Posted on May 13, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Practicing Gratitude in Grief OK, OK. Before you throw lasagna in my face, let me just assure you that this section is not going to be full of toxic positivity […]

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  • Create Meaning Through Ritual

    Posted on May 13, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Create Meaning Through Ritual Creating traditions, rituals, and ceremonies that celebrate your person is the shit. Seriously. It’s the opposite of the get-over-it and move-on mentality. Instead, by celebrating the […]

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  • Envision a Future after Grief

    Posted on May 6, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Envision a Future after Grief What do you want your future to be? I realize that this question, to someone in the deep, dark midst of grief, is a terrifying—even […]

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  • When Grief Causes Mental Health Problems

    Posted on May 6, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Grief support and mental health are deeply interconnected aspects of wellbeing. Grief is a natural response to loss, whether it’s the death of losing someone close, the end of a […]

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  • Grievers Need to Tell Their Stories

    Posted on May 6, 2024 - by Jane P. Williams

    Grievers Need to Tell Their Stories Because of the personal and varying nature of grief, I believe that narratives—stories—are critically important and helpful both for accepting death and coping with loss. […]

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  • The Many Types of Tears

    Posted on April 29, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    The Many Types of Tears I’ve cried about every type of cry there is since Libby died. There are the public, tears-silently-running-down-the-cheeks cries and the I’m-so-sad-I-just-have-to-get-it-out, medium-sized cries, and then […]

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  • Why Routines Help When You’re Grieving

    Posted on April 29, 2024 - by Brooke Carlock

    Why Routines Help When You’re Grieving Think of your favorite comfort food, the coziest blanket you own, or the pleasure of consuming a warm cup of hot chocolate before bed. […]

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  • ‘Restoration’ in the Grief Process

    Posted on April 29, 2024 - by Greg Adams

    Repairing Heirlooms My best friend and wife (same person) has a new entertainment obsession: the British television show, The Repair Shop. In each episode, master craftspeople receive and expertly, and […]

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  • Soul and Grief Connection

    Posted on April 8, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    The soul and grief are deeply intertwined in many spiritual and philosophical traditions. It’s only natural that after someone dies, those they leave behind will start to question and want […]

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  • Unsolved Homicides May Destabilize Survivors

    Posted on March 25, 2024 - by Lori Grande

    Unsolved Homicides Destabilize Many Lives Homicide is a complicated loss, and its reflection resides in a constant state of metamorphosis with each new experience that follows in its wake.  In […]

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  • Grief and Joy Merge in Love

    Posted on March 25, 2024 - by Judy Lipson

    Grief is Love, Joy is Love What words come to mind when we think of love? I think of emotion, devotion, adoration, and respect. Each person may have their own […]

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  • Love is Stronger than Death

    Posted on March 25, 2024 - by Harriet Hodgson

    I was a member of the church choir for 20 years. A line from one of the songs we sang keeps rattling around in my mind: “Love is stronger than […]

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  • Writing through Grief

    Posted on March 25, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    I write about grief to help me through the ‘grieving process’ after the loss of my twin. I hope it helps you too. Grief is complex; it’s based around individual […]

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  • Knowing About Grief Helps with Grieving

    Posted on March 4, 2024 - by Bradie Hansen

    Knowing About Grief Helps with Grieving My father died almost two weeks ago after two weeks in the ICU. For most of that time, he was on a ventilator. My […]

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  • Grief Can Transform the Future

    Posted on March 4, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Grief can throw a spanner in the works, but it can also bring acceptance and closure positively, so long as we’re honest with ourselves. Our experiences can distort our perception […]

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  • The Invisibility of Grief

    Posted on February 26, 2024 - by S. Dione Mitchell

    The Visibility of Change My children are tweens/teens. When I think about their development throughout the years, it is clear and tangible to me the ways in which they have […]

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  • A Spiritual and Healing Journey

    Posted on February 26, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Spirituality and healing around grief is inevitably an individual and personal journey, with no two people sharing the same experiences. While my interest in spirituality started in childhood, my spiritual […]

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  • Emotional Responses to Grief

    Posted on February 19, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Grief is a highly individual and complex emotional experience that manifests differently in each of us. People may express their grief through a variety of emotions and behaviours. Some common […]

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  • Changes in Seasons: Living Through Times of Loss

    Posted on February 5, 2024 - by Greg Adams

    Changes in Seasons North of the equator, and north of the tropics, we are in the season of winter. The grass is brown and bare branches are all around. It […]

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  • Grief’s Impact on Family Unity

    Posted on January 22, 2024 - by Ilana Estelle

    Grief and the grieving process are deeply personal and complex experiences that can have different effects on us. It’s true that shared experiences of loss can create a sense of […]

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  • Merry Go Round and Round: Rhythms of Grief

    Posted on January 22, 2024 - by Elizabeth Brady

    Merry Go Round My mom made it a priority to take me and my siblings to the Smithsonian to visit the touring exhibits that came through the D.C. museums. I […]

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  • A Christmas Promise

    Posted on December 25, 2023 - by Larry Patten

    A Christmas Promise On a long-ago Christmas Eve, I made my last visit to a patient as her hospice chaplain. I was honoring a promise made weeks before. While a […]

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  • Joining a Grief Support Group 

    Posted on December 11, 2023 - by Harriet Hodgson

    Joining a Grief Support Group Joining a support group can help those who are grieving. Many support groups were available in my area, and they differed widely. Before I joined […]

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  • Evolving My Perspective on Grief

    Posted on December 11, 2023 - by S. Dione Mitchell

    Making Sense of Grief At first, I thought grief was an amorphous vapor that made your breathing labored and that obscured your view…temporarily. But I was wrong. Losing My Grandmother […]

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  • The Many Forms of Grief

    Posted on December 11, 2023 - by S. Dione Mitchell

    Contextualizing Grief In my experiences, grief has been most commonly recognized with a major event: the loss of another human being. There seemed to be a framework for understanding the […]

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  • Compassion is the Most Precious Gift

    Posted on December 11, 2023 - by Bradie Hansen

    Compassion is the Most Precious Gift The holiday season is upon us and with that comes a blur of sights, smells, memories and hopes. Some are pleasant and even joy […]

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  • In Search of Healthy Grieving

    Posted on December 6, 2023 - by Harriet Hodgson

    In Search of Healthy Grieving I wanted to experience “healthy grieving.” These words often appear in grief articles and books. Did healthy grieving mean sobbing like crazy, being confused, or […]

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  • Are You Making Progress in Your Grief?

    Posted on November 21, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    So how do you know if you’re making progress on this messy journey called grief? I remember going through seasons where a trigger would wipe me out or tears would […]

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  • Questions You May Ask in Your Pain

    Posted on November 17, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    During the intense period after the loss of my favorite people, many questions ran through my mind. These are questions you might ask in your pain. Will the tsunami of […]

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  • One Step at a Time: Through the ‘Dark Valley,’

    Posted on November 15, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    After months of trying to outrun the ache and sprint toward some imaginary silver lining, I realized that running from the pain can leave you crushed, lonely, and confused. In […]

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  • ‘What Do You Do with All this Pain?’

    Posted on November 13, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    Have you ever gotten news that literally took your breath away? I surely have. It was the late-night call that my mom—my healthy, hilarious, newlywed mom—was gone. Nobody could have […]

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  • Writing Helps Bereaved Find Gratitude

    Posted on November 9, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    Writing Helps Bereaved Whenever you set out to write a book, an important first step is clearly defining your audience. When I started dreaming about Uncrushed, I assumed it would […]

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Open to Hope Radio

Open to Hope TV

  • Episode 217: Navigating Loss as Men

    Posted on June 10, 2024 - by admin

    While there are similarities among men who are grieving, there are also differences. Listen to how two men with very different experiences navigated their unexpected losses. Join hosts Dr. Gloria […]

  • Episode 216: Grieving Voices; Journeys of Loss

    Posted on May 29, 2024 - by admin

    Is it possible to find hope again after loss? Join hosts Dr. Gloria Horsley and her daughter Dr. Heidi Horsley, along with their guests Abby Dart and Meghan Riordan-Jarvis, as […]

  • Episode 215: Sudden Traumatic Loss

    Posted on May 29, 2024 - by admin

    Have you experienced a sudden traumatic loss? If so, get tips and tools on how to navigate this difficult time. Join hosts Dr. Gloria Horsley and her daughter Dr. Heidi […]

  • Episode 214: Navigating Health and Wellness After Loss

    Posted on May 29, 2024 - by admin

    The death of a loved one can take a physical, psychological, and emotional toll on us. How do we navigate health and wellness after loss? Join hosts Dr. Gloria Horsley […]


  • Always There: Finding God’s Comfort Through Loss

    Posted on May 27, 2024 - by Anne Peterson

    Purchase Anne Peterson’s book: Amazon.com: Always There: Finding God’s comfort through loss eBook : Peterson, Anne: Kindle Store

  • Treasures in Grief

    Posted on January 8, 2024 - by Lo Anne Mayer

    Treasures in Grief, by Lo Anne Mayer

  • Uncrushed

    Posted on November 13, 2023 - by Beth Marshall

    Uncrushed, by Beth Marshall